by everyone Tuesday, Jul. 01, 2003 at 7:22 PM

The guantlet has been thrown. The winners are the one's who have their political agendas advanced and implemented.

Read the following:



Diogenes - Ah yes, when you can't refute a piece of information then disparage it in the hopes that people will not look, or if they do grant it any credence.

I have never asserted, despite attempts by the shills to claim so, that anyone accept anything I or anyone else posts as true unless it aligns with other things you already know to be true - such as observation or experience.

Those who would control you by selecting for you what you know do not want you to become aware of the manipulation of public perceptions through the manipulation of what you know.

Decide for yourself.

Think for yourself.


The People - "I have never asserted, despite attempts by the shills to claim so, that anyone accept anything I or anyone else posts as true unless it aligns with other things you already know to be true - such as observation or experience."

BS!! Been here too long to fall for that. I've seen you do it. You've done it to me.

Let's be real clear on who can't "handle" disagreement. That someone is you. You cannot conceive that someone can have examined the same "evidence" as you and yet have reached an entirely different conclusion. You can't begin to understand that. That's been your problem since day one. If you could ever learn to accept that, you'd do a lot better here. To date, you haven't. If someone has examined the same "evidence" as you and has reached a different conclusion, you immediately deride and belittle them as being stupid. Dale Carneige's method, I believe. Very convincing there. That's gonna make 'em want to examine the "evidence" more closely, isn't it?


Diogenes - There is a difference between forcibly defending your point of view and demanding that other people accept it.

I can and do forcibly defend my positions.

I do not demand that you accept it.

Although if you were reasoable you would.


The People - "Although if you were reasoable you would."

Arrogant to the core.


Diogenes - Gosh, gee whilikers, one of the shills think humble little me is arrogant.

I guess it' s a Cross I'll have to bear.

I would rather though that people think for themselves.

If I present a challenge to your accustomed thought patterns well, good.

That's one of my objectives - provoke people into thinking for themselves.

Now that you have thrown your insult why don't you try filling up a post with Reason?

Listen to the Mockingbird, listen to the mockingbird....

If the Press is actively manipulating your opinion through misinformation then how do you counter it?

Think for yourself.



The People - "I would rather though that people think for themselves.

If I present a challenge to your accustomed thought patterns well, good.

That's one of my objectives - provoke people into thinking for themselves."

Agreed. The pendalum swings both ways.

And in that case, if you were reasonable, you would agree with my positions. So, that's the attitude I'll take.

The judge and jury will be who can actually have those positions to which he desires go forward in the political arena. The winner (as has always been the case) is the one who gets his political agenda implemented.


And, so we see clearly.

If Diogenes and his political positions are forwarded and implemted by the elected representatives of the USA, then he wins.

If The People and their political positions are forwarded and implemented by the elected representatives of the USA, they they win.

Let the games begin!!