Where does power come from?

by Gucci Mama Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003 at 12:35 PM

Where does the government get its power?

From the PEOPLE of course.

Or at least, that's how is SHOULD work.

But riddle me this. . .

If all government power comes from the people. . . can the people give the government authority to do what they can't do themselves.

Like this: I can't force you to pray to my god. That would be denying your liberty. I don't, morally, have that power.

Can the government therefore force you to pray to my god? Where would that power come from? Not from me or any other citizen, because we don't have that power to give.

Well that's an easy one.

But how about this:

Can I force you to pay for my food, housing, medical care and prescription drugs?

No, that would be stealing, or enslaving you.

Can the government therefore make you pay for my food, housing?

Where would it get that power from? Not from me, or any other citizen, because no citizen has that power to give.

So. . . is it not the obvious conclusion that all government welfare programs are an abuse of government power?

Original: Where does power come from?