Stockholm Conservatives

Stockholm Conservatives

by Diogenes Wednesday, Jun. 25, 2003 at 3:08 PM

It is an interesting phenomena that while Indy is home to many free-thinking individuals that very freedom attracts a class of people who find freedom a petrifying concept. It is to them that this article is dedicated. May they rest in peace.


Let’s face it because Indymedia is an Open Forum Site that attracts a lot of people who insist on thinking for themselves and not accepting unquestioned the pompous ponderous pronouncements of the Controlled Media, and the self anointed Prophets of sheeplike conformity. Because of this it represents a threat to the fragile glassine world view of those who find questioning and thinking unreasonably cumbersome. Often we call these poor waifs Trolls or other such to designate their identity to others so that they will understand they are dealing with someone who faces particular “challenges”. All aquiver in their constant frights engendered by their careful attendance to the official line of the Foxes and Limbaughs they cannot conceive even the possibility that either Fox (or any other “Major Media Organ”) or their current fearless leader(s) might actually be milking them for all they’re worth. This is the Stockholm Syndrome of Modern American Culture - A corrupt and venal Government continues it’s abuse so long that the weak willed come to view the abuse as a form of security and they mistakenly begin to identify with those who abuse them.

It is an interesting phenomena to observe and while analyze it as I might the solid and unquestioning viewpoint would seem to be one that avoids analysis. This would seem to be because it is a viewpoint reflective of a mindset consisting of fixed ideas that cannot be questioned. To do so causes the entire construction to shatter. Each piece of dogma and automatic conditioned response leaning against another creates a structure that depends upon no piece of this fragile view coming under question. Heaven forbid that one such item be proven wrong. The world would end, the seas would open, and we would all be swallowed alive. “Toto! Auntie Em’! It’s a twister! It’s a Twister!” So, like a neurotically superstitious person holding onto a cherished Charm they will cry, pout, and scream at the thought that someone might take their security away.

To merely question the validity of an official pronouncement is enough to have these radical conformists shouting “Conspiracy Theory” from rooftops and street corners across the nation. One can hear to the tones of slavish adulation in their childlike acceptance of each new and preposterous pronouncement - “Yes Lawd I BEEELEEEVE!” Perhaps therein lies one of their fears - free of the enforced beliefs, and solidly fixed ideas, they would be left alone to figure things out for themselves - and this they just cannot accept. They are afraid to do so - it might result in their seeing the world as it is and not as they would like it to be. It might actually require them to do something risky like stand up and speak against the evil in our world which just might upset Saturday’s Barbecue.

It really is a form of cowardice, combined with years of conditioning by the controlled media reinforcing a world view that does not admit of questioning. For too long they have listened to the Pied Pipers of Television and Radio and now entrapped by the Pipers Tune they can no longer conceive of a world beyond, or contrary, to the song which has them in thrall. That their views are a conditioned and reflexive response is obvious by the absolute inability to accept and consider any alternative to the Piper’s tune.

The pusillanimity of the NeoConformist position is demonstrated by their constant need to deride anyone who disagrees with their world view. This I think provides some form of reassurance that by charicaturing contrary points of view that it somehow vindicates their own. This allows them to carefully avoid considering any contrary, and thus inconvenient, facts. This profound cowardice of course requires of them to immediately jump on any fact that might represent a threat to their fragile world (even a cornered Rat will fight). When cornered by an inconvenient and unavoidable fact that contradicts their fragile world they will frequently have the most amusing explosions. The Spam attacks we must from time to time suffer through are one such symptom of their fragile inability to confront and examine anything contrary to their conditioned view.

Often you will find such militant sheep cloaking their arguments in such verities as “everyone knows” and “obvious truths”. Of course if you Cite one verifiable fact that calls into question one of their obvious truths they immediately cloud up and move to their next favorite pastime: Schoolyard Taunts and insults (I think they believe this lends greater strength to their arguments). Or is it that it is just a conditioned response?

Free thought and discourse is more threatening even to those who conceive that their power and prosperity rests upon keeping other people “under control”. These are the Piper’s Master’s and they call the tune. After all you just can’t have people thinking for themselves and pointing out the obvious false notes it might disturb the vast bovine multitudes content to consume Budweiser Ads and fill their Cud with Skoal.

Freedom scares them into a really powerful fright. Why people might actually not want to pick up a gun and go kill the current designated enemy. Instead they might begin asking awkward questions like “why should I hate the designated enemy of the week”? Why should I put my butt on the line to protect your power base while you and yours set back in the Counting House surveying your ill-gotten millions? And of course the worse case scenario is that if enough people organize and get together they might find themselves victims of their own legal system - dancing a “Merry Jig” at the end of a rope.

To the loud proponents of the Official Party Line the dittoheads, freepers, and other such militant sheep they are the clarions of the truth because they KNOW the government would never lie to them nor would St. Duhbya, St. Rush, or any of the rest of their pantheon of prophets and other such deities. As previously highlighted pointing out even one item which does not fit their narrow world view is such as to send them into paroxysms of anger and denial.

In the final analysis they are to be pitied, victims of an induced psychoses, they should be treated with care, compassion and caution. The main thing to realize about them is that while they are rather pathetic wretches one must be careful to keep out their hands sharp objects, or any other implement of destruction. Perhaps in time, with a caring touch, they may be induced to peak out of the hole into which they have retreated and see that the Sunshine really is not that threatening and that freedom means that they can actually have a little fun for a change.