What Part of the Word "JIHAD" Don't You Understand?

by Michael Lourey Wednesday, Jun. 25, 2003 at 3:45 AM

Substitute the word "activism" for "jihad", and the word "muslim" with "leftist", and you have essentially re-written this article to describe another dilemma faced by America. That being the one presented by our resident Fifth Columnist factions.

With all of the “Political correctness,” “Diplomatic Double-speak,” so called “Religious Freedom” and a perceived need for “OPEC Oil” our liberty is on the line. Over the last five (5) or so decades we have become dangerously smug and comfortable in this “Great experiment of a government of the people, by the people and for the people.” Without doubt we have the greatest military the world has ever seen. With out doubt our technical superiority is incredible. Without doubt our young men & women in the military are the most motivated and ethical soldiers the world has ever seen!

When a dictator the likes of Saddam (you remember the weapon of mass destruction in the flesh) puts himself in the crosshairs of our military the outcome is not in doubt! But then, that is not Jihad, is it? Jihad is a totally different animal, fought with methods & weapons our military is not allowed to deal with. Jihad is not nation versus nation; nor is it Army vs. Army; it is a collection of religious zealots and their dupes versus everyone who is not of that religion.

As I have stated previously, in the Muslim world view, Jihad will never end until every person in the world has either converted, is a slave or has been slain. While Americans may get all warm and fuzzy considering the concept of (or rather myth of) religious freedom, in the cult of Islam it doesn’t exist! Nor does the idea of peaceful co-existence. A case in point is the situation between the Israeli’s and the Palestinians. Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah Brigade and etc., have clearly stated (on many occasions) that they will never rest until there are no Jews alive in Israel. In the regions of Africa where slaughters of thousands upon thousands of people are taking place, who are the slaughterers and who are the slaughterees? Here’s a hint, the ones doing the mass killings face Mecca to pray. In the ongoing slave trade, (yes Virginia there is still active slavery going on even today), who are the ones capturing and selling slaves? Hint, they face Mecca to pray. What is the fastest growing religion in third world countries and in areas where poverty is high? Hint, they face Mecca to pray. In fact, why would the rise in conversions be so pronounced in the above mentioned areas? Could it be that the promise of power and retribution against the oppressors is what is alluring to people who can see no hope for a future?

I am reluctant to continually beat the same drum, but the threat of Jihad is very real. If now is not the time for Islamists to make the final push for the promise of the Koran, it will be at some point! Look at the population of people from Islamic areas the nations in Europe (France is near 22%) and that doesn’t count the converts they have made. A few centuries ago the Muslims were poised to control the known world but were stopped in Spain by those evil crusaders. Is it any wonder that Muslims use the word “Crusaders” as an insult? At one time the followers of Mohammed led the world in the arts, (lit. etc.) science, medicine and so forth. Then when their push for world domination failed in Spain (see William the Conqueror) and the Ottoman Empire fell apart the religious extremists took control – the rest, as they say, is history. The Muslim nation’s then fell back into what would pass for the dark ages and have basically remained there ever since! Granted my time line may be vague and what little memory I had for details is fading with age, my point is not to state a chronological set of facts, but rather to bring up a historical perspective.

Do not be deceived by the choruses singing about the peaceful nature of Islam. Every nation that is Islamic became that way by war and force. As a country’s Muslim population increases, Jews, Christians, Hindu’s, and the rest find themselves the target of actions that certainly appear to be closer to ethnic cleansing than peaceful co-existence. An easy example is of the Muslim method of gaining and holding power would be the situation in Indonesia. As a matter of fact, the resident of the White House just before President G.W. Bush, duped us into waging war against the so called “Christian extremists” in Serbia. Ostensibly to keep them from using ethnic cleansing against the poor Albanians what happened? Let’s see, we over threw a corrupt government and took the ability to defend themselves away from those evil “Christians.” What followed Clinton’s “Wag the Dog!” The Albanians, a Muslim minority in the area, began to systematically destroy everything and everyone non-Muslim in that country! Of course, when we thought the nasty Christians were using ethnic cleansing against the “poor Muslims” it was terrible, but when the shoe is on the other foot is the killing wrong? If you know what the definition of the word “is” is, you can only have one answer.

So, not only are we willing to be deceived, we are complacent about the advance of Islam. You have heard the reports of what life is like under Muslim rule, will you sit idly by while our nation is subjugated? Couldn’t happen, you say. Many other people thought that way too! Remember, their tactics are those of terrorism, destruction and hatred. Even if you have no frame of reference to even imagine the freedom and liberty you take for granted being stripped away, you will if we do not take a stand. People who are willing to murder children and others do not think like we do. To these cowards the only innocents are Islamic.

Jihad, in the final analysis has only one meaning! Wake up and smell the explosives, before you learn the truth experientially!

Michael D. Lourey is the president of Just Say Yes Ministries, Inc. a non-denominational ministry that works with community leaders, such as City councils, business leaders, the Justice System, social service organizations, local churches and other ministries to establish network linkages for outreach and ministry to needy people. With The Lord’s help we have ministered in Washington, Oregon, Montana, California and Virginia. Michael may be reached by email SayYesToJesus2@cs.com. He resides in Deer Park, WA with his wife Linda and their two boys.