Protesters vindicated over Iraq quagmire, Bush found to be a lying sack of...

by o Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2003 at 6:22 AM

Even the right wingers are beginning to face up to the fact (as the protesters warned) we got honest to goodness quagmire's going in Iraq and Afghanistan...remember Afghanistan all you patriots out there well were bogged down there still!

'Sen. Richard G. Lugar (R-Ind.), the panel's chairman, suggested on ABC's "This Week" that the president commit to "a five-year plan of stability. . . . To leave, as we usually do, is to leave a situation which is an incubator for terrorism, and to short-circuit the whole process, and we're back where we were with al Qaeda in Afghanistan."'

-But wait I thought Bush said we won in Afghanistan...

'"It's time the president go to the American people and tell them the facts," said Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.), the ranking minority member on the committee. "And the fact is, Johnny and Jane ain't coming home any time soon." '

-But wait I thought Bush said we won in Iraq...

-Oh I get it now; Bush, Cheny, Rumsfeld Wolfowitz, etc, are all lying sacks of ....

Quotes from:

Top Iraqis Believed Targeted in U.S. Strike

DNA Tests Used to See If Hussein Among Dead

By Thomas E. Ricks

Washington Post Staff Writer

Monday, June 23, 2003; Page A01

Original: Protesters vindicated over Iraq quagmire, Bush found to be a lying sack of...