Palestinian Leadership is the problem

by The New X Saturday, Jun. 21, 2003 at 4:06 PM

Palestinian leadership is the problem

oh our great leader president bush.

how wise he is

when palestinian suicide attacks were taking place, all blame was put on Arafat. after all arafat is an enemy of peace and he did very little to reign in palestinian terrorists. oh our wise leader bush and his mutt powell then claimed palestinian leadership was the problem. that only a new leader would be the answer.

now abbas has come. suicide bombings continue. obviously abbas is an enemy of peace. he has done nothing to stop suicide bombings.

after all, the LEAST one could is expect is for a palestinian leader to stop 100% of suicide attacks.

so now abbas needs to be replaced with a new palestinian leader.

yaaaaaay for bush

and his clever clever thinking.

Original: Palestinian Leadership is the problem