Iraq Meltdown

by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. 5/27/2003 Friday, May. 30, 2003 at 1:49 AM

As was predicted ad infinitum prior to the Bush Junta's Resource War - the Iraqi People have not met their conquerors with opens. Instead they are using small Arms.

How goes it in Iraq? Well, let's check those reliable folks who gave us the war in the first place, those googling warriors over at Let's see. Looking now at the front page. Here's an article attacking the New York Times for their coverage of campus neocons. Here's a piece on Los Angeles politics. Here's another calling for more school integration, another examining the EU constitution, another on the glories of the death penalty, a piece on some bureaucratic struggle between the FBI and Bush's new department, and two pieces (1 and 2) calling for war with Iran.


That's Iran with an N.


For Iraq news, you have to go elsewhere. It turns out that 7 US troops have been killed in 36 hours, and more wounded. Iraqis are risking life and limb, and paying with their lives, to kill the occupying military. They are using small arms, and receiving return fire from Bradley fighting vehicles. And let's not blame the "remnants of the Baath party" or any of that other nonsense. A street vendor told MSNBC: "Every Iraqi is ready to sacrifice his life for resistance. We are 26 million Iraqis, and we are all resisting, and, God willing, occupation will end."


Meanwhile, the economy remains in shambles. Progress is always being made, we are told by the US military, in restoring electricity and water. Making progress is not hard when you start at the bottom. Looting is constant. And what is the US doing about it? Confiscating arms from those who are trying to defend their property. Coming: more and more talk of civil war.


Onward to Iran!

Original: Iraq Meltdown