Speak Out!

by Unknown forwarded by Farhenheit 451 Friday, May. 23, 2003 at 3:34 AM

Time is running out....

Speak Out!...
money.jpg, image/jpeg, 336x468

Attention shoppers, the evil ones are again cooking up ways to keep Mr. Bush in the Whitehouse and rob Amerika blind (brought to you by the folks of Enron)! By the time sheeple of Amerika wake up to this fact, it might just be too late, and this country will be broke. This is by design and NOT an accident. If we don't speak out, we will surely watch America crumble. We can't wait for next years "election" this junta MUST BE REMOVED before they do another dasterly deed. Every time Bush's ratings go down the alert level goes up, this is not a coincidence. It's becomming so obvious it's almost embarassing. The rest of the world looks at us as we really are, held captive by an insane, greedy, evil, and racist junta. Truth be told, they let IT happen to advance their greedy and murderess agenda (New World Odor). IT was just the tip of their satanic iceberg. Anyone watch the last 45 minutes of The Rise Of Hitler?, very telling.

Original: Speak Out!