Revolution = Rap Against the State

by judith mpls Sunday, May. 11, 2003 at 1:25 PM

I D.A.R.E. you to rap against the State. Rap against the I.R.S. Make taxes voluntary. Force is immoral. So why does the State use it? Because they are mob of mafia types.

Rap against the State for true revolution for true freedom. Why do you support the Sttate? Because the State-run schools have brainwashed you. Because the media has brainwashed you. If we pretend it isn't here, it will go away. You give it energy. You support it. Why? Because you are stupid and that's why things don't change. Because you give something evil energy.

For more on government abuses, throughout history of the worold of mankind, checkout Alex jones ( or any Libertrain site (like Wendy McElwain).

Original: Revolution = Rap Against the State