Statism Replaces Religion

by judith mpls Sunday, May. 11, 2003 at 1:22 PM

"The Match" writer says the State has replaces religion in the USA.

The State goes after the Catholics so the State can get more power over the people. The State is jealous of the church. The State wants the command and control. So they go after the Catholic church through the bootlicking media. The State now runs everything. They have total control now. And they create situations to keep us in fear. They steal our money through taxes because they are too sutpid and lazy to be producrs to work. They are too stupid and moronic to become an entrepreneur. And they are very jeajous of us for our brains and energy. They are like domesticated cows. We are the deer. The wild deer. They are very jealous of that. .

Original: Statism Replaces Religion