The Coming Aristocracy

by judith mpls Sunday, May. 11, 2003 at 12:35 PM

Leonard Read in 1900 predicted that the new aristocrat would be the bureaucrat. Looks like he was right.

What do you get when a bureaucrat votes? More bureaucracy. They are too stupid to invent a better mousetrap, so they must steal our money. They are paraistes.

Make Money, Not War.

Don't go near a buraucrat. They are very dangerous, because they are so sutpid and evil. Put them to work. Make them work for their money, insrtead our lving off ours. We are the producers. We are the entrepreneurs. Watch them try to take that away. They need you to be low, sick and dependent so they can survive. They will not cure anything, if they did, they would not have a job! it is a sick system. That's why they had to create that make-for-tv show of all those bombings, all those schools shootings, all the crap they crate so we will put our attention on them, so they can survive. That is what a parasite-bureaucrat will do to live. They are very evil. And sick and out of control and make millions. Wake up stupid Americans. Listen to Alex Jones ( for more on how it works.

Original: The Coming Aristocracy