Police State - The Patriot's Code of Silence

by Cloak And Dagger Monday, May. 05, 2003 at 3:35 AM

When you are arrested, the best thing you can do is KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. Push your teeth together, seal your lips and breathe through your nose. Say nothing except the following ãI want an attorney pleaseä. Answer every question, regardless of how ridiculous your answer may seem with that statement or something almost identical to it.

Police State - The Patriot's Code of Silence

By Al Lorentz


It is highly likely that, as the police state spreads an even more insipid net of ridiculous, freedom destroying laws and regulations, more and more of us are going to wind up running afoul of the law. This pains me deeply because many of you, like me, used to be considered the salt of the earth, but now with our Constitutionally minded, liberty loving ways, we are very soon going to be labeled 'Enemies of The State'.


Let me give it to you straight, you are more than likely going to wind up in the hands of the police state and be interrogated. I want to share with you the techniques that the enemy will use against you and combat proven techniques to resist this interrogation.


I am not advocating an attitude of animosity or hatred towards police officers or the local sheriff, in fact, many of these people are on OUR side and I am mighty glad to have them. I am however advocating caution and above all, a code of silence.


When you fall into enemy hands, whether it be as a US soldier into the hands of the enemy or as a patriot into the hands of the police state, your best weapon and defense is silence. More importantly, if you are part of any group of people whether it be a group of freedom loving, Constitution supporting patriots or just your local home church, silence can be your only defense.


In SERE school (Survive, Evade, Resist and Escape), we learned that if you started talking, instead of the enemy going lighter on you, they would come down on you much harder. Further, anything you said would not only be used against you, it would be used against your friends. If you share even the slightest bit of information, the enemy will take that information, add to it the things that they already know and then use it to break your friends down.


Many people unwisely try to talk themselves out of an arrest or a ticket. Unless you are the slickest salesman on the face of the earth, the chances of talking your way out of a ticket are slim to none. Once you are arrested, there is absolutely no need to try and talk your way out of the arrest. Once arrested, the cop has shown that he fully intends to book you or take you to the police station where charges will be preferred against you.


When you are arrested, the best thing you can do is KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. Push your teeth together, seal your lips and breathe through your nose. Say nothing except the following ãI want an attorney pleaseä. Answer every question, regardless of how ridiculous your answer may seem with that statement or something almost identical to it.


Interrogation, especially if more than one person is involved as a suspect, uses three factors to succeed. One is the fact that you are probably under stress, scared and a bit unsure, the cops know this and are going to use this to full advantage. Two is the fact that you are guilty of something (there are 10,000 laws on the books at the moment and Congress and our Justice Department are working overtime to make that number even higher), the cops just have to fish long and hard enough and they will eventually find something to get you on. Three is the fact that you and your cohorts who are obviously not hardened criminals do not have the finesse and savvy to have cooked up a story before your arrest.


That is why we must all agree within the patriot community that, when arrested, we will say nothing except through our attorney. Further, we should agree to never break faith with our friends. Believe me, if you are going to be convicted anyway, ratting out your friends wonât help your case. The DA is not concerned with justice, he is concerned with racking up an impressive number of convictions so he can be re-elected or move on to a more lucrative job. You are a notch in the DAâs gun· donât take your friends down with you.


It should be that we in the patriot community have a code of silence and stick by it ö if the police state are going to make arrests and convictions of fellow patriots, let them do it without us. That is what they get paid for, we are not trying to obstruct justice but neither are we going to assist them in destroying the few people we share common bonds of liberty and justice with either.


NEVER trust a federal agent. I am not alone in this view, I know many veteran cops who will say exactly the same thing. My cop friends, when talking to the feds have a common answer to anything a Fed says to them, even simple things such as 'hello' elicit the response of 'talk to my attorney'.


There have sadly been many instances of patriots groups being infiltrated by federal agents and then, when the group is arrested, the patriots turn on one another. This is not done because the patriots have no honor, it is done because they were tricked. Here is how the trick works.


The interrogator asks you some simple questions and convinces you that he is your buddy and just wants to help. He says that if you will just tell him some information, nothing that sounds very serious such as the names of your best friends, how long you have known them and any small details, he can tell the DA that you are cooperating. Once you start talking, it is hard to stop and soon he will have some juicy little tidbit of information, nothing severe but possibly just enough for him to do his next little trick.


The interrogator then goes into a separate room (you and your friends are all interrogated separately) and tell them that it's basically over for him that you just spilled the beans and then shares all the information you have given him interspersed with some details they already know and makes it sound as though you have accused your friends and are trying to cut a deal to save your own hide. The interrogator says but if you want to cooperate, the DA might 'listen' and then eagerly records everything your friends have to say. Each person he goes to in sequence tells more because he is convinced by now that the rest of the group is spilling their guts.


When all is over, the interrogator has the evidence he needs to convict you and guess what, there are no deals cut, you all get the maximum sentence. The sad part of it is, the reason they are asking you the questions is because they do not know the whole story and without your confession they probably had no real case (not that they wouldnât try something bogus of course).


There has been one case that I know of where the Feds infiltrated a patriot group and tried this technique. Because the group had already planned for this scenario though, they all said nothing and they all had confidence that nothing was being said. They knew when the interrogator came in and told them that the other guys had already talked, and shared details, that these details were obtained from other sources, not from the members of the group. Guess how many of the group the Feds convicted.


None - zero, zip, zilch.


Keep that in mind if you ever wind up in the bowels of some police station or in a Federal building in the hands of interrogators. These people aren't your friends, they don't like you and want to send you to prison or worse. Talking to them only makes it worse for you, despite how convincingly they lie and tell you otherwise.


Remember, you don't have to answer any questions, it is your right as a citizen, just give them your name, address, phone number and other pertinent information. Anything else, simply plead the Fifth Amendment. After all, the feds plead the fifth amendment when they were being questioned about their murdering rampage at Ruby Ridge, why shouldn't we, who have done nothing wrong, enjoy the same protection?




Original: Police State - The Patriot's Code of Silence