Planning Anarchist Self Defense and Survival

by A Pirated Collective Cascadia Saturday, Apr. 26, 2003 at 6:25 AM

Bla bla bla with theories, fascism is here. (Some ideas for anarchists in the US

If anarchists plan on surviving, we should know some things.

1) We should know how to use guns and a wide variety of weapons. This can be accomplished at any shooting range or remote place. With research and self-taught knowledge we can use these weapons affectively and safely.

2) We should know how to use our weapons strategically. Going to paintball playgrounds and turning our city streets into gory paintball fields will give us some pointers. The day we out Rambo the Rambos in play fighting, is the day people realize that they can start the never ending revolution.

3) We must form tight fighting units completely independent of one another. ELF cells and actions are a starting in this direction.

4) We should be prepared for death and the betrayal of liberals, socialists, and other leftists. This is war. The capitalist state will buy or scare many of them off. They will become our harshest critics. We must be prepared for this on all fronts.

5) We need more action and we need to thoroughly analyze our actions. We need to anticipate the changing conditions our actions create, and most of all learn from our mistakes.

6) Another world is here (if you are tired of “living” on your knees).

7) This is not a platform for armed insurrection, but just thoughts for a lively debate

Original: Planning Anarchist Self Defense and Survival