Enemy of Nazism = A Fact

by judith mpls Friday, Apr. 18, 2003 at 7:50 AM

From the book "The Ominous Parallels" by Leonard Peikoff.

From the book "The Ominous Parallels"

"The fundamental enemy of Nazism is a fact: that man is man - and a wider fact, the ones which makes the first an absolute; the fact that facts are what they are, that reality is not malleable to human whim, that a is a, no matter what the dictator's screams, guns, or squads of killers."

""There is only one antidote to today's trend: a new, pro-reasons phlosophy. Such philosophy would to offer the nation for the first time a full statement and an unbreached detense of the fundamental ideas of America...think about "fundamental things."

Women are not taught to think, they are made into bubbleheads. So, don't let women control our society. They are too stupid, they do not know how the world works. They have not been taught how the world works. So they use brain games and other crazy-making behavior to get to you. They are too stupid and afrraid to be direct. Most women are chickens.

For more on government abuses, check out Alex Jones (www.infowars.net).