Real Revolution = Entrepreneurship

by judith mpls Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 at 1:30 PM

The revolution is not about sex or drugs or rock and roll but about starting your own business and keeping your own money - without government messing things up.

The government does not want successful people, doing their own street vendoring or entrepreneurship. They want you working for them or a big corporation, ones that the government has under their thumb. The real revolution, which the most radicals have not thought about, is getting the State out of our lives. Taxes should be voluntary, force is immoral. Why does the State act like a common criminals. Why does the State want us deprendent on them, sick and poor and miserable? If you make money, they will go after you. They have so much power and money now that they can afford to put cameras everywhere, tracking our every move and getting every last penny. Government is just a gang of thieves, stealing from the real workers, the real people, the entrepreneurs and street vendors and others that want to live without government force.

Help Starve A Feeding Bureaucrat

Make Money, Not War

For more on government abuses, check out Alex Jones (

Original: Real Revolution = Entrepreneurship