The anti-war movemnet has lost

by Freedomlover Saturday, Apr. 12, 2003 at 1:12 AM

The anti-war movement has lost, and freedom has won.

Ok, my anti-war lefty friends, what do you say now? As multitudes of iraqi civilians express their jubilation over the ousting of president Saddam Hussein, I would be interested to hear your reaction. Were the Iraqi demonstrations staged? All part of the big propaganda campaign to keep us stupid joe publics from being as well-informed as you? Hey, the war isin't over yer, maybe the Saddam loyalists can still win!!! Or better yet, maybe their take to guerilla warfare and kill as many U.S. soldiers as possible!! Wow, yes so i guess there is hope. They havent found any weapons of mass destruction yet, eh? Thank God, because if they do then the war looks more justifiable, and we'll look like idiots!

Do you really want the Bush administration to involve the UN in the reconstruction of Iraq? I mean after all, it would be harder to wave your fingers with the rest of the world and say, "see...see..I told you so, look how rotten the U.S. is!" This may sound harsh my friends, but I really think that you were strongly disspaointed that the Bush administration was not targeting civilian infastructure, and of the limited civilian casualties. Not to trivialize the civilian deaths, but 1500 is not quite an astounding number during a large scale military conflict. More people were killed in the Serbia bombing as well as the war in Afghanistan (the former I didn't support by the way). You were hoping for the excessively high numbers of the first Gulf War, and when you didn;t get it, your basic attitude is, "yeah well the U.S. is still rotten anyway."

I use to respect the left. I really did. I use to think that the fact that most of you aren;t subodinated to state power shows that you probably have more tendacy to think for yourself, and you've confronted problems that the majority of Americans are not ready to confront, or are ignorant about, (Vietnam, Central America) even though I disagree with you on most things. But reacently, I've lost almost all my respect to for the left, due to the fact that you have an almost reflexive hatred for everything America does. You reject that the U.S. as a world superpower may have benign intentions based on ideals that we were founded on. (Freedom, democracy) And that these ideals can never be the impetus behind American policy, rather everything is done solely for profit, greed, dominance, and intimidation. In short, you fail to realize that the structure of the American system is one largely based on these ideals of freedom and democracy, and the system largely operates within these set parameters, however, the paramters are occasionally breeched, but not usaully.

Anyways, long live America.

Original: The anti-war movemnet has lost