
by Former Democrat Thursday, Apr. 10, 2003 at 6:25 AM

The truth has been seen by some of us.

I have seen it with my own eyes. People telling stories of torture and murder in Iraq. People cheering America and stomping on statues and pictures of Saddam. Though some 1100 civilians were lost in the war (according to this site) it seems that thousands and even millions of future Iraqi people will be free of the terror that has gripped their society for a long time. Moreover, the sons of Saddam witing in the wings to take over where daddy left off.

I am now ashamed that I joined the protest not thinking of the terror suffered by the people at the hands of the butcher Saddam. I have decided to drop my affiliation with the Democratic party and will vote for the great prsident GWB. He has led the way and another evil is eradicated from the earth. The scourge of this tyrant is over. Thank God and Allah. If the rest of you that wetre tricked into supporting the antiwar antiamerican protests now realize you were duped than spek up on this site and let the world know how wrong you were.

Thank God I have seen the light.

Jeff DuBois