
by Roger Jones Thursday, Apr. 10, 2003 at 6:21 AM

Yahoo! News reports this morning that Iraqis are dancing in the streets of Baghdad at their "liberation" by U.S. troops.

The top headline on Yahoo! News this morning says
"Iraqis Celebrate As U.S. Takes Baghdad. " The takeover of the mainstream corporate media as the propaganda wing of the Bush Administration is now complete.

My jaw dropped as I read this headline, whih you can see as http://news.yahoo.com/fc?cid=34&tmpl=fc&in=World&cat=Iraq. I was listening to KPFK simultaneously, where it was being reported that U.S. Soldiers were invading and looting private homes. One Iraqi pleaded, "What kind of liberation is this?"

This comes after the deaths of international journalists in Baghdad from U.S. bombs, after (according to Robert Fisk) the use of depleted uranium bombs on Baghdad, and at the point where hospitals can no longer deal with the number of wounded civilians.

/write to Yahoo! News and let them know how you feel about this irresponsible and propagandistic reporting.

Roger Jones