Why Liberals Like Crafty Clinton so much

by ellen Wednesday, Apr. 09, 2003 at 3:41 PM

The Liberals like Clinton so much because he has found a way to get free sex. Liberals are so lazy and ignorant that they need a similar method to get their sex, so they look up to Bill Cliton's methods.

The Liberals men like Bill Clinton because he managed to get free sex. The Liberals need similar methods, because they can't get it the normal way - so they have to use Crafty Bill's methods. That's how sleazy a Liberal is. They are also very stupid. They say there is no oil left and global warming, when there are tons of books by scientists (that are now dead, coincidentally) that say it is not proven scientifically. These Liberals aren't even mad that they were'nt taught real science in their government run schools (that don't want them to learn anything worthwhile, like entreprenership). Government doesn't like competition or smart populace. But Liberals are too stupid to even see this! And besides they just want free sex and their drugs anyway, and probably can't think straight in those smoke-filled cities and women dumbed down with church and New Age crap, more religion bunk!

Original: Why Liberals Like Crafty Clinton so much