The Battle For Iraq Has Just Began: The People of Iraq Will Fight

by Umar ben-Ivan Wednesday, Apr. 09, 2003 at 2:11 AM

Things are getting ready to be very complicated.

If you watch CNN, MSNBC , Fox News, or any of the main outlets for US corporate media, and to a large extent even the leftist media, you will be led to believe that the war on the people of Iraq is coming to a conclusion. However, nothing can be further from the truth.

The US war of aggression against the people of Iraq is in the early stages, and this will be a long conflict, that will take many forms. A main goal has been to remove the Baath'ist regime of Saddam Hussein, and it appears that this will happen in the relatively near future. But there is no doubt after having seen 16 US serviceman killed today that the Iraqi regime will extract large amounts of bloodshed from the invaders in the days to come, before it totally goes under.

What we are witnessing today from the Fedayeen Saddam (Saddams Redeemers, not martyrs as they incorrectly say), is bravery at the highest level indeed. Facing an enemy that has a wide arsenal of air power, including stealth bombers, land artillery units, tanks, etc., the Fedayeen are resisting the invasion with only light arms and are doing an admirable job indeed. I wonder if the chicken-hawk cowards like Wolfowitz, Perle and O'Reilly would stand and fight under such duress?

The question is; what will happen after this regime falls? How will the Iraqi people react to the establishment of a puppet ruler? What will the Kurds in the north do when they realize that the US does not want to help them get autonomy, but wants them to be a part of a strong centralized Iraq? If history is any barometer for the future, then we will see the Kurds taking up arms against the American occupiers.

As we look at the south of Iraq we see that the leading opposition group to Saddam Hussein was from the Badr Brigade, and the Iraqi Revolutionary Committee, which is an Iranian backed Islamist group. If the US was seeking to liberate the Shia, then the US would ally itself with the group that is most popular amongst the Shia. However, the US is now threatening the Badr Brigade, and will not recognize its legitimacy. Instead the US is dealing with the people from the Iraqi National Congress, who have no credibility amongst the Iraqi people, and their only claim to fame is that they have agreed to hand the oil industry over to US companies, and that they will make peace with Israel. These are two steps that they will take which will expedite a civil war in which the US will be forced to fight and die defending this most illegitimate regime.

What of Central Iraq? The Sunni Arabs and the Arab Christians? This is the group that will have it the roughest as they will more than likely be facing lynch mob justice at the hands of the Shia and the Kurds in the weeks to come, because Saddam looked at them with favor. However, Saddam had stiff opposition from the Sunni Arabs also, especially from the Ikwaan Muslumeen (the Muslim Brotherhood). This Iraqi branch of the largest Islamic movement in the world has been a thorn in the side of Saddams rigidly secular regime for years, and forced him to make concessions on a lot of issues over the last decade.

The US will not recognize the legitimacy of the Muslim Brotherhood, and instead chooses to choose the leaders of the Iraqi people; the most popular groups will be ignored because they cannot be controlled by the US. If one studies the history of the Algerian elections in 1992, one will see how the US and the Western world discouraged democracy after the Front for Islamic Salvation where posed to take over the government, and called the military in to make a coupe.

Democracy is not want the US wants, it is not what the neo-Conservative want, what the Christian Right wants, or what the Zionist lobby wants, what they want is the neutralizing of the Arab and Muslim world and the subjugation of the Muslim world. They have different reasons, but all of these groups have one thing in common; they want US military power to be used to force an imperial American rule over the Muslim world.

The people of Iraq will not stand for this, and as the US attempts to move into more Muslim lands, at the encouragement of the War Mongers, Christian Extremists and Zionist Hawks, more American blood will be shed, and it will be shed not for our freedom, but for the servitude of evil