Down With Authority/Government/Religion/"Experts"

by judith mpls Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 12:08 PM

Government is bad. Business is good (unless they work for Government, which they all do now, or the government will go after them). Thus, we have the mess we're in. And they are trying to get more big government through the UN. More consolidation of power, more abuses of power. More war, misery. Revolution: Answer: Entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship is the answer, is the revolution. The individual is the answer. The sovereign ones, the independent thinkers, the scientists, the ones that use the real scientific method. Not the fake sceintists (like the Greens and Nader's and environmentalists that want to steal your farm or ranch). The Waco churches, not the government-sanctioned church. The Jews, who the State hated under Hitler, since they were sovereign and depended on each other, not the State. The Nazis stole the children, and made them all brainwashed to support the State. That's what our government does today to our children in America. That's what the media does too. Brainwashed the people. Makes them trust the State, the "experts" and hate themselves, hate the real experts - themselves. So, we hve the mess we're in - complete prison society, complete war. All set up, a scam, a racket - creaed by them so they can control us further. it's the same system a battering husband uses.