She's Got Money To Look Her Best

by Noneofyourbusiness Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 8:12 PM

She's got money to look the best. I've got money to look the unbest.

Hilary and the others bootlicking for the State has the money to look their best. I've got enough money to look the unbest, which is hard to do, since I'm naturally gorgeous. So they have to work hard to make me look bad, but they manage to do it. They figure if you don't have millions, you don't deserve a good haircut. Anyway, these women want us to look worse than them, so they give us bad haircuts to make sure of that. Does anyone know of a place to get a good vibrator? Why do they sell orange dildoes? That's crazy. And why do we work so many hours that we don't have time to even use the damn things? Revolution is time to use our vibrators and our drugs. Humanity worked hard for these things. Let use use them without goverment coming down on us like we are common criminals. Then they steal our stuff and use it themselves because they are too sutpid to make a better mousetrap and buy it themselves. So they have to steal it from us. They use crafty means to get our money. They can't do it legally and honestely like sell a Ford car, instead they use crafty talk and steal our hard-earned money.