How To Stop War - Become An Entrepreneur

by judith mpls Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 10:04 AM

Do like Switzerland (before they bought into the UN, more big government crap).

Become an entrepreneur. Teach entrepreneurship in the State-run prison-like schools. The mean, arrogant elites want to run the world now.

So, don't pay taxes. Taxes should be voluntary only. There should be no force. Force is immoral. And forced taxes teaches that force is okay (thus, rape).

Become a small business owner, an entrepreneur (build a better mousetrap) and don't let the State, the government into your own private business affairs. They should be out of business altogether. They have too much power and money and want our kids and now our organs. So, put them out of "business." Don't pay taxes. Do like Switzerland, and rule by cantons, no war.