Boom-System of a Down

by mymicz Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 11:29 AM

Make MTV play BOOM now!! show America what the whole world thinks.

MTV is joining the pro war crew by highlighting articles on it's website that support war and trouncing System of a Down's right to free speech.

We all like System, they have made a lot of money for MTV. However, the members of the band include diverse ethnicities, some that have experienced war directly or indirectly in their lifetime. MTV has decided that the video "BOOM", which shows millions of people around the world protesting and making a real difference, cannot be aired. Ridiculous. Now MTV has joined the side of the warmongers. We can rename it murder TV and tell them to go take a crap. I know for sure that if I have kids, they are never to watch that corp[orate bullshit. Everyone should start calling in and demanding that they play Boom on TRL. It would be the strongest clue to what's going on on the streets. We have to demand MTV play good music, even if it disagrees with the government. I don't have their number.
but this is the adress to TRL where you can fill in an "other," category at the bottom and request the video, bombard them please!!