Why They Call It Dope: Independent or "Independent" Media

by Marc Howard Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 1:01 AM

An american journalist downplays the Nazi ties of the Bush administration. Another American journalist finds this somewhat odd.

Why They Call It Dop...
cnn_schlock.gif, image/png, 161x215

It's important to expose major criminals in our modern society, wherever they are, even if they are hidden under layer upon layer of deceptions and conspiracies, defended by sometimes unconscious co-conspirators.

Americans want, in many cases, to believe in the "righteousness" of their governments. So often that they will raise elaborate "smoke screens" (that's a metaphor; i smoke a pack a day) to defend those they see as the "champions of democracy and righteousness."

The people at CNN are one example: to be good Americans they will continue to NOT show anything that could be possibly damaging to the American President, regardless of how true it could be, how true..or how treasonous. It makes one wish for the once fearless Bob Woodward to come out and speak the truth about our current president.

I reprint here an article by Cecil Adams, or if you go to his website, "Cecil Adams, the world's smartest human being." Uh-huh. yeah, okay.

I reprinted it because of Adams' SPIN on the story of the Bush family and their ties to the Nazi Idfustrialist Thyssen and the Third Reich during WW2.

The way I learned the story Prescott Bush was caught green handed having given millions in funds and steel to the Nazis while World War Two. and I quote:

"ON OCTOBER 20, 1942, THE U.S. GOVERNMENT ORDERED THE SEIZURE OF NAZI GERMAN BANKING OPERATIONS IN NEW YORK CITY WHICH WERE BEING CONDUCTED BY PRESCOTT BUSH. Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the government took over the Union Banking Corp.'s stock shares, all of which were owned by Prescott Bush, E. Ronald 'Bunny' Harriman, three Nazi executives, and two other associates of Prescott Bush...[B]y October 26,1942, U.S. troops were under way for North Africa. On October 28, the government issued orders seizing two Nazi front organizations run by the bank (in which Bush was a partner): the Holland-America Trading Corporation and the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation...U.S. forces landed under fire near Algiers on November 8, 1942; heavy combat raged throughout November. Nazi interests in the Silesian-American corporation, long managed by Prescott Bush and his father-in-law, George Herbert Walker, were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act, on Nov. 17, 1942...President Roosevelt's Alien Property Custodian, Leo T. Crowley, signed Vesting Order #248 seizing the property of Prescott Bush under the Trading with the Enemy Act.

(SOURCE: Office of Alien Property Custodian, Vesting Order No. 248. The order was signed by Leo T. Crowley, Alien Property Custodian, executed October 20, 1942; F.R. Doc. 42-11568; Filed, November 6, 1942, 11:31 A.M.; 7 Fed. Reg. 9097 (Nov. 7, 1942). See also the New York City Directory of Directors (available at the Library of Congress). The volumes for the 1930s and 1940s list Prescott Bush as a director of Union Banking Corporation for the years 1934 through 1943.)

See, i checked. and checked and checked and checked again, yes i triple checked.

It's true, albeit sad, that one left wingnut could justify via their rage making up untrue allegations about a business man. But I checked and checked and checked once it occurred to me that Iraqis, like Eritrians and Hebraic peoples, were SEMITES.

(from dictionary.com


1. A member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples of the Near East and northern Africa, including the Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, Hebrews, and Phoenicians.
2. A Jew.
3. Bible. A descendant of Shem.

So when it occurred to me that Bush might just be a plain old Anti-Semite i started digging like the student of journalism i have been off and on since 1988. I dug and i found some things, and I felt sad, for a while, for the journalists of the fifties and sixties and seventies who got all inky and footsore doing research. Most of my research I have done on the internet. And i owe a great debt to the other determined truth tellers who are exposing the Nazi menace that has after long years stolen the High Chair of State from the american people.

Now Cecil Adams is free to call himself the smartest man in America, as he does so in Limbaughian fashion on his website. (look for yourself at http://www.straightdope.com/) But I can see the attitude of "my country, right or wrong", so injurious to the actual prcess of Democracy, in his response to an honest question from a reader. I get the sensation that Adams enjoys using his vocabulary and ability to turn a phrase to aggrandize himself as a defender of America and an intellectual. But had I not researched the facts and found the Nazi truth for myself I might have been inclined to dismiss the truth about the men of the Bush family as leftist hyperbole and inflation of factoids. This is what I mean.

Dear Cecil:

I read in the New Yorker that George W. Bush's grandfather and great-grandfather worked for Brown Brothers Harriman, and had clients who funded the building of the Nazi regime. I searched the Net and found hundreds of sites giving volumes of details and listing sources like the New York Times and the Library of Congress. Conspiracy theories aside, what's the truth about our president's family? --Matt Tiegler

Cecil replies:

Remember how during the Clinton era there were all those rabid EOBs (Enemies of Bill) who seemingly devoted their every waking hour to propagating scurrilous stories about the president and his family? Well, an equally dedicated crew is now spreading sensational allegations about Dubya and his forebears. (Sample: the president's grandfather not only financed the Nazis, he used concentration-camp prisoners as slaves.) So each side gets a chance to drag the other through the mud. Is this a great country or what?

Though the Bush family's detractors are legion, one of the most prominent is John Loftus, a former federal prosecutor and past president of the Florida Holocaust Museum in Saint Petersburg. In 1994 Loftus coauthored a book with Mark Aarons entitled The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People. The book alleges various misdeeds by George W.'s father, George H.W., his grandfather, Prescott Bush, and his great-grandfather, George Herbert Walker. Since space is limited we'll focus on the accusations against Prescott Bush, which in my opinion are the most serious.

The central charge against Prescott Bush has a basis in fact. In 1942, under the Trading With the Enemy Act, the U.S. government seized several companies in which he had an interest. Prescott at the time was an investment banker with Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH), which had funneled U.S. capital into Germany during the 1920s and '30s. Among the seized companies was the Union Banking Corporation (UBC) of New York, which was controlled by German industrialist Fritz Thyssen. Thyssen had been an early financier of the Nazi party--in fact, in 1941 he published a book entitled I Paid Hitler. Ergo, Prescott helped finance the Nazis.

An article by journalist Toby Rogers posted on Loftus's Web site makes an even more explosive charge. Another company in which Prescott and his associates had a stake was the Silesian-American Corporation (SAC), which owned several industrial concerns in Poland. The Auschwitz death camp was established in a district where SAC already had a steel plant. The plant allegedly used forced labor from Auschwitz during World War II. The article asserts that "a portion of the slave labor force in Poland was 'managed by Prescott Bush,' according to a Dutch intelligence agent." (See www.john-loftus.com/Thyssen.asp.)

The slave labor charge is easy to dismiss. SAC plants in Poland were taken over by the German government after the Nazi invasion of 1939, and the Auschwitz prison camp wasn't established until 1940. No one can seriously claim that Prescott Bush managed camp inmates in any of those plants.

Prescott's involvement with Nazi finance is more complicated. Though Thyssen had been an ardent backer of the Nazis in the early days, he broke with them in 1938 after the Kristallnacht pogrom against the Jews. He fled to Switzerland the following year, and Hitler confiscated his fortune and stripped him of his citizenship. In I Paid Hitler Thyssen confessed his role in financing the Nazis and denounced the Führer. Arrested in Vichy France, he spent the balance of the war as an Axis prisoner. Prescott Bush, for his part, owned a single share of stock (of 4,000) in UBC, the Thyssen bank. According to a 2001 Boston Globe piece, the New York Herald Tribune ran a story in July 1942 headlined "Hitler's Angel Has 3 Million in US Bank," in which Prescott and other BBH partners "explain[ed] to government regulators that their position [as directors of UBC] was merely an unpaid courtesy for a client."

So, did Bush and his firm finance the Nazis and enable Germany to rearm? Indirectly, yes. But they had a lot of company. Some of the most distinguished names in American business had investments or subsidiaries in prewar Germany, including Standard Oil and General Motors. Critics have argued for years that without U.S. money, the Nazis could never have waged war. But American business has always invested in totalitarian regimes--witness our dealings with mainland China.

Loftus tells me there's more to it than that. He says that the value of German industrial assets in which Bush and friends invested increased during World War II, in part due to slave labor, and that Bush benefited from this increase when the assets were returned--supposedly he got $1.5 million when UBC was liquidated in 1951. I'll buy the claim that Bush got his share of UBC back--it was an American bank, after all--but the idea that his German holdings increased in value despite being obliterated by Allied bombs is ridiculous.


Cecil Adams can deliver the Straight Dope on any topic. Write Cecil at cecil@chicagoreader.com.

(end of Adams' article)
Re: My title for this article:

i realise that Americans want to love their country. Perhaps it takes less effort to simply be a cheerleader for those in poweer rather than carefully seek the truth and pursue justice. But I am glad Woodward and Berstein didn't just ignore rumors of possible criminality in the Nixon administration when they first got the beginning rumors. Cecil Adams is just another Independent media person; I don't know who pays him and don't care much: he is a underlying subject of this article. what is really intense is how the people have been decieved on so many levels, allowing a Neofascist and fan of Eugenics to take the Oval Office. remember that Election of 2000? How close and contested it was? people eventually stopped protesting and "let George do it." Even with the complaints of the elderly jewish Voters...who swore they did not understand the controversial butterfly ballots and swore they did not vote for Pat Buchanan.

Think this is old news? Perhaps no longer relevant in light of current events? the "stolen" election is what made this war possible, it is arguable if Al Gore had been elected, if Saddam Hussein would be the threat to world peace that he has become due to the vendetta-like fury of the Bush FAMILY. (And I do mean family. if you have watched you have heard the 'my dad can lick your dad' rhetoric of both Saddam and gerorge herbert walker Bush's sons.)

The legacy of the flawed "asterisk" election of 2000 is taking human life and moving troops in a position to eyeball China and Russia right now as I write this.

We have short memories and short attention spans; television sets have in their way but THIS CAN CHANGE IN A HEARTBEAT; it requires repeated CHOICE by American citizens to pay attention to the long range implications of world events. Cecil Adams is entitled to his opinion. Like each and every one of us.

To say we have the RIGHT to choose is to belabor an already obseved point. We have the ABILITY to choose, and even though it seems dormant in the American scene, taking it up, rather than taking up the oppressive tools of violence, can lead to as yet unheard of tools for civil direct action and eventually wrestling the reins of power from real war Criminals who are hiding in plain sight.