Daniel Sheehan Provided Dennis Kucinich Anti-war Resolution For Congress

by ziggy Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 8:31 AM

Pacifica Radio, KPFA mp3 at 3.6 megabytes, runtime = 9:03 // March 15, 2003, San Francisco


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Daniel Sheehan was interviewed on Pacifica's KPFA Saturday. He goes over the legal strategy for introducing a resolution to Congress to block team Dubya's war. For more information on Pacifica's coverage of the San Francisco Peace Rally, see http://sf.indymedia.org/news/2003/03/1583170.php

On a related note, check out the John Bonifaz interview I posted the other day:


One way or another, the war powers issue (Article I, section 8, US Constitution) will hopefully become a major pain in the arse for the Bush Administration Unlike the Gulf of Tonkin and other cases, issues present now offer a unique window of opportunity before the official launch of war. John Bonifaz discusses this in detail.

The court case might not lead to anything -- but it's not over, despite what the media is telling America (see the interview). A new resolution submitted in Congress will probably be defeated as well. But these steps are necessary. No specific action will stop the war all by itself. But actions since September have delayed the war and compelled Bush to go the UN, where he first expected the Iraqi dictator to balk immediately. Enter the growing "superpower" (NY Times) force of public opinion and General Colin Powell's clean little UN stopover became a nightmare. At each stage the juggling act intensifies for Team Dubya. Perhaps we'll get lucky and synergy will bring the whole campaign crashing down. It's doubtful, and the last card these jokers could pull is a staged attack on American assets in the Gulf. Team Dubya wants war bad enough that another Gulf of Tonkin is certainly possible.

Final plug on good listening/reading: The first chapter to Daniel Ellsberg's book is online, free. It talks about the Gulf of Tonkin incident in fantastic detail. It's an insightful read: http://www.ellsberg.net/sample.htm

Original: Daniel Sheehan Provided Dennis Kucinich Anti-war Resolution For Congress