Dixie Chicks attacked by right wingers!

by take this job and shove it Saturday, Mar. 15, 2003 at 7:33 PM

When Country Western singers start taking heat for opposing Bush... you know we're in trouble.

Dixie Chicks attacke...
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The Dixie Chicks (L-R) Emily Robinson, Natalie Maines and Marti Seidel, are finding out that criticizing President George W. Bush's plans for war in Iraq can cost you air play.

Country stations across the U.S. have pulled the Chicks from playlists following reports that lead singer Maines said in a concert in London earlier this week that she was 'ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas.'

Station managers said their decisions were prompted by calls from irate listeners who thought criticism of Bush was unpatriotic.