United We March

by Mickey Zavi Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2003 at 9:14 PM


No matter who infiltrates, who gasses, who bombs,

No matter who fires, who shoots, who kills,

No matter what cars, motorcycles, bayonets they raise,

No matter what uniform the human force of evil wears,

No matter what heroes they've stolen from our firemen and servicemen,

No matter what honor and duty to protect and serve they've taken from our policemen,

No matter what left wing subverts and right wing fascists try to silence,

No matter what name they give our gods,

No matter what price we will pay for nonviolent action,

For the price is always high,

No matter what martyr's they make out of me or Mumia,

No matter what the odds against peace are,

A man of God ain't affraid of your bullets,

for his word is god's and it is eternal,

"We are marching today, and we are going to have to march again tommorrow."

No matter if we win now or later, if we win in material or just in spirit or soul,

Let us join hands, enemies, friends, families, and lovers,

United we will march,

Loving our country enough to be tear gassed or worse killed by police,

United we will March and create the world we want for the future,

And when it comes, and we are long gone, United we will watch over it all as angels.

Don't let anyone divide you, hatred and censorship is not an ANSWER or an option.

Original: United We March