Bush Daddy Prophecy

by Robert Meade "Israel" Deaf Messenge Sunday, Jan. 12, 2003 at 3:47 PM

To be a King or some other damn thing.

My Daddy said that Bush Daddy and Bush Daddy Tribe were "dancing with" and fulfilling many prophecies long before they found out that they were dummkopf Nazi poopheads(208762). All of Bush Daddy Spam(226737), including the use of microwaves as a form of harassment are attempts of BDT to be false prophets(Jer. 14:14); and as you should know, these false prophecies are backed up by the unquestionable stupidity of BDT(224404). Bush Daddy claims that microwave harassment at the US Embassy in the 1990s was the work of the US Storm Troopers who were prophetically declaring that the Soviets were bad people in an attempt to chase the US out of the USSR. The same is true with all of the chemical-mongering activities of BDT, and Nazis in general(194653); the dummkopf Nazis will prophesize that something bad is going to happen to you immediately before they throw chemicals, Anthrax, etc. On the other hand, it might be a prophetic trap of a different kind to single out anyone who has knowledge of chemicals: "I think there's something in the air here!!????"(Jer. 5:26). The use of defective microwaves to irradiate targetted victims seems to be an old trick in this town, and Bush Daddy brags that the radio wave interference brought about by the hovering Eagle stealth helicopter is used to mask that radio wave interference by a defective microwave next door(104469 & 111857). It seems like the dummkopf Nazis are trying to use microwaves in a more malicious manner than the infrared knowledge and technology that they have surpressed(42982, 43171, 139628, 176670, & 182222). If you know someone who thinks that it is a joke to play with microwaves, I pray that you can show them how to make the microwave run with the door open so that they can stick their head in it for an education, what not?

I called up Dr. Delahay who had his assistants playing with my knee in Washington, DC; and I asked him if he could send me a new brace as a favor for what they did to me in the Emergency Room and the Operating Room at Georgetown Medical Center. Bush Daddy claims that computer chip implants are the whole idea behind discouraging the natural healing of fractured and broken bones and promoting the implantation of metal screws and plates as the major activity of orthopaedics. Bush Daddy lends credibility to the published revelation that Timothy McVeigh had a "computer chip in his butt" when he revealed that Timothy McVeigh had surgery for a fractured hip. The Storm Troopers and others involved in these implantations believe that they can conceal their hand in promoting evil by enabling some computer chip-tortured victim to make manifest evil events like Timothy McVeigh did. It probably isn't necessary to use a computer chip implant either, for any metal will probably pick up the many different radiations that could be used to manipulate a targetted victim whether the irradiation was causing noise or pain. Instead of having these alleged orthopaedic "wizards" showcase a few cases that have fared well with implants, it would be a good idea to determine the fate of every single person who has ever had an implant. These operations are barely noticeable, for it is possible for them to make incisions that are feet long, leaving just a minor hint of a scar. As an added incentive to promote the use of implants, I bet that these culprits refuse to set the breaks of those patients who don't opt for the implants. Although Dr. Delahay may not be that aware of how these computer chips are employed, that may be intentional, for the culprits who were doing this are apparently merely trained by Dr. Delahay. As for the murdered podiatrist, Dr. Goff, Bush Daddy has told me that he was both, opposed to them implanting the device in my leg and that he was the one who designed the computer chip. It would be nice to get the full story on that. As for my not getting the brace that I wanted, they were probably convinced that I couldn't heal this leg without going to a doctor. There is such a communication glitch at Georgetown Medical Center that contact with Dr. Delahay is probably impossible, especially via TTY and Deaf Relay(190292). Since I was fourteen, the muscles of my leg have held my leg together more than anything else. I kicked 3,000 yards per day to bring that knee back in 1995. I have found that the flutter kick mimics walking on tip-toes, that I have relied totally on the dolphin kick since I was in high school, and that my leg moves like a propellor in the water when I swim freestyle, equalizing the breathing motion and elevating the body in the water. Having tired of these repeated injuries because some dummkopf Nazi thinks that he is doing God a favor by making my path slippery(Ps. 38:16); I cut the styrofoam shell of a bike helmet in half and strapped the halves to my knees. I suspect that 99% of bike injuries are to the lower legs and that most people never reveal the blunders that compel them to never ride a bike again. Since I was delivered to Dr. Delahay by probable genuine "fedya guvmint thugs"; i.e. U.S. Secret Service, stationed at the site of the staged accident at the U.S Naval Observatory on Massachusetts Ave. NW in DC; we might leave it up to Dr. Delahay to separate the genuine "fedya guvmint thugs" from the bogus "fedya guvmint thugs" like the Gad-damned Gar-Gan Thugs of Tompkins County, reform school graduates, kids from hell(200807). Don't forget that Dr. Delahay also has the bogus medical empire of the Gad-damned Gar-Gan doctor Exarchou to deal with too(62371)! Dr. Delahay might also find out who was in the Operating Room, playing with my leg. I know that there was a white red-haired German, "Darren Jackson" in the OR, going by the ID of a local gunshot victim, and I also know that he was in the alleged Mental Health Unit at the Cayuga Medical Center, where I was imprisoned for the first of 15 months of unlawful hospitalization.

There is a Navy connection too! In 1973, returning from a summer of recovery from high school, I was poised to take my swimming career to the top(Melbourne IMC Id=7378), and by swimming one of the fastest butterfly races of 1973 in the medley relay; I led the most motley bunch of swimmers that you have ever seen to beat Navy. There began an immediate effort to eliminate all trace of this "Meade boy", who would some day be known as "Israel", the Lord's Deaf Messenger(Ps. 83:4; Is. 42:19). I was Anthraxed and bedridden immediately(156007); but I returned that year to an easy Eastern Championship win and a 10th place finish in the NCAAs. Cornell and Ithaca immediately began to fill up with dummkopf dunces of BDT as they set about trying to eliminate anyone who mentioned that "Bob Meade fella", "Israel"(76394). Zion's Secret Police(104469 & 132033), the Dunces(186353), the Coprophagists(166317) were all gathered here by the mouthy moronic tough guy talk of the closeted "King of Proud John Dryden's Israel", Bush Daddy, George Herbert Walker Bush(171618, 194653, & 199656). In pop cheerleading stars, Sarah and Jennifer of Dryden, using Bob Meade DC antics to promote Bi-Gay Bi-Gay Symbol to save gays from AIDS, God, what not? Since all of BDT detested the antics of these two girls, they were all prone to support the slander of these two girls, promoted by the crowd that slaughtered them. They embraced prophecy when they messed with Sarah and Jennifer(93509), and they have been snared by the transgressions of their lips(Prov. 12:13; 18:7). Only the very best of them will be chosen to go abroad to declare the majesties of Sarah and Jennifer and their Lord(1 Peter 2:9). I could have sworn that the Bear Lord was just going to say, "Cut them in the head, all of them"(Amos 9:1); but I'm sure that there will be a remnant to go abroad, build a "house", stuff like that. Take extreme caution when dealing with these dummkopfs. Remember their poop intake is on the rise. In spite of the anal activity of their religion(204463), they will find that they will also be worshipping the moon cycles along with the sun. I'm sure that Bush Daddy Finale(198448) will be a smashing success. Now that's prophecy!.

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Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Israel" Deaf Messenger

Original: Bush Daddy Prophecy