Cloning a brave new wolrd order

by Randy G. Tuesday, Dec. 24, 2002 at 9:38 PM

Will the advent of a human clone be a threat to the survival of the species?

Eugenics, a science totally devoid of humanity, may be coming to the forefront of public policy. Forced vaccination programs as mandated in the UNCONSTITUTIONAL Homeland Security Act may contain substances which will significantly increase the percentage of the population is that is sterile. DNA manipulation in salmon has been shown to create mutant salmon of impressive size. The Super Salmon males tend to out compete normal salmon for the attention of females. However the Super Salmon suffer from a much higher infant mortality rate then normal salmon. Scientist fear that if a small number of these salmon get out they could threaten wild salmon stocks by spreading their high mortality rates and possibly leading to species extinction in 40 generations. (

Cloning experiments conducted so far show that clones suffer from various afflictions at extremely high rates, could this be related to the problems suffered by DNA manipulated Super Salmon? Well if so it would seem like having a strong eugenics program could preserve some pure strains of humanity free from these technologically introduced defects. And who would those selected strains of humanity be, be assured that names like Rothschild, Morgan and Bush will be among them. The Bush family is rumored to have an interest in eugenics stretching back to the third Reich with Prescott Bush, grand pappy to the current commander and chief executive of United States, and his sizable financial stake in the German Steel industry.

Could it be that there is a plan to let cloned DNA contaminate the general population, but with the help of modern data storage and tracking devices and programs it would be possible to keep a certain strain of humanity free from the contaminated strains of DNA? The CFR (Council of Foreign Relations) is on the record saying that it plans on significantly reducing the current world population. In Africa millions are dying from AIDS introduced during the vaccination for Hepatitis B.

Currently there is a race in the scientific community to clone a human child. What future awaits this new being, a man made by man instead of nature, and what will the impact of his or her arrival upon the human planet be?