
by Ted Smith Monday, Feb. 03, 2003 at 3:36 PM

I have downloaded "Stramger than Fiction" onto my own web site......minus the pictures as my "free" site cannot take that number of pictures.!!

There still seems to be a large number who perceive still that Bin laden was the mastermind behind 911.
I am NOT one of these having made myself aware of his beliefs etc.
Thank Dr for enabling me to vindicate my own opinions on 911........although George Bush made a fair fist of getting his foot in his

Dr. Pastore

by Bush Admirer Tuesday, Feb. 04, 2003 at 12:37 AM

And so, Dr. Pastore, did you also get to meet Alice in Wonderland on your 10 month journey?

The big difference between yourself and Ken Starr is that he's into reality.

Be Courageous - Think for Yourself.

by Diogenes Wednesday, Feb. 05, 2003 at 11:38 AM


The willingness to think your own thoughts and to make up your own mind is I think one of the hallmarks of a courageous person. The willingness to decide for yourself and speak your beliefs requires that one be willing to disagree with the conclusions of other people. In our culture we are “conditioned” to agree.
Everything we are bombarded with in the “mainstream” media says agree. If you don’t agree with what the herd is saying and doing you are an an outcast - “everybody agrees that the new Belchfire is the best thing to ever roll on 4 wheels”, and “everybody knows” you should drink Virgin´™ Water. The pressure to conform to the herd comes in many ways.
Some statements of nonconformity, have now become statements OF conformity. It says I belong to a certain group and I don’t want to be different from anyone in that group - I don’t want to stand out - I want to be “hip” and “cool”. “You’re not cool if you don’t wear Sheeple Jeans.” And don’t forget to make sure the label shows so that everyone knows you didn’t buy “just any jeans” (even though they really look no different and wear no better). The person who holds to a different belief stands out in the herd mentality that prevails in our “common” culture. The person of independent mind is often ridiculed and slighted. “What a weirdo, a nerd, geek, nutcase, kook, scumbag, etc.,....” And the crime? Thinking for yourself and daring to disagree. Where’s your “Tinfoil Hat” asks the mind numbed robot. The willingness to disagree with what the rest of the herd is collectively thinking or doing requires courage.
With 9-11 we are presented with the official conclusion and which has been propagated throughout the “Mainstream” Media. “Everybody knows it was Arab Hijackers sent by Osama Bin Laden because he hates us because we are free.” Oh, Really. Based on what? Have you seen anything other than assertions which have no proof to back them up?

Here are a few questions that remain unanswered:

If U.S. Air Force F-15’s could intercept Golfer Payne Stewart's airplane 10 minutes after it had lost contact with Air Traffic Control and gone off course (per standard FAA procedure) why could they not intercept the “plane” that hit the Pentagon? It was in the air for another 50 minutes after the second tower impact. It was known to have been hijacked at that time and it’s flight path was tracked up to the moment of impact. Washington D.C. is the most heavily guarded airspace in the country. Why??????? Incompetence? Do you really believe that? There were two air bases along the flight path that could have easily intercepted - one with about 7 minutes flight time the other 10.

How did a barely trained pilot hijacker, with no flight time or rating on the aircraft (and by one report a rental agency would not rent one of the “hijackers” a plane because they did not think him a competent pilot), execute a move described by Air Traffic Control as like a military maneuver in precision? It is deadly apparent to me that the following does not compute:
He descended in a tight spiral 7000 feet in 2 minutes (in a 757 a commercial passenger jet not an F-15) leveled off at tree top height, actually clipping some of the foliage, and struck a 71 foot high wall (the height of the Pentagon) precisely in the one section under reconstruction - thus causing a minimum of casualties. (Also, curiously enough, it was on the exact opposite side of the Pentagon from where all the top Brass are located.)
Can we say cognitive dissonance?

1. Why didn't jets intercept the airliners since they had numerous warnings of terrorist attacks?
2. Why did Ashcroft stop flying commercial, citing an unidentified "threat" in July 2001? (July 26th to be exact - cited were "threat assessments".)
3. Why were there no photos or videos of the Pentagon plane?
4. Where are the flight recorders?
5. How did Bush see the first plane crash on live camera?
6. How did they come up with the "culprits" so quickly? (The Al-qaeda and Osama Bin Laden were named the night of the attack. (Orrin Hatch made a statement that it was Bin Laden the night of 9/11. Further all the "suspects" were named within 48 hours.)
7. Why the strange pattern of debris from Flight 93? (Flight 93 which supposedly dived into the ground left a debris field stretching as far as 6 miles away {a door was found - not a light object}.) Why did 6 documented witnesses report seeing a low flying military Jet when flight 93 went down? Why did the FBI first deny that this was true and then when the witnesses could not be intimidated into changing their story come up with a new cover story?
8. Why did none of the 19 hijackers appear on the passenger lists?
9. How did the hijackers change the flight plan without having law enforcement or the military try to stop them? It is standard Protocol to scramble Air Force Interceptors if a plane deviates from course and does not respond to radio communication.
10. Which hijacker's passport was found in the WTC rubble? Who found it and what time?
11. How could the FBI distinguish between "regular" Muslims and hijacker Muslims on those flights?
12. Why was there not one "innocent" Muslim on board any of these flights?
13. Did someone go through the passenger lists looking for Muslim names and label them as hijackers?


1. Did the Florida police provide information that Atta was searched because of 1)an expired Visa, 2) driving a car without a license, 3) because of an incident at Miami Airport?
2. Why did Atta leave his bag at the airport and the employees didn't put it on board?
3.. Who found his bag? How can we be sure it it was his bag?
4. Why did Atta place a video "how to fly planes", a uniform and his last will into his bag, knowing that he would commit suicide?
5. Why did Atta leave his drivers license in a rental car?
6. When did Atta train on a flight simulator?
7. Why did Atta decide to study at Opa Locka, a famous hub of 6 Navy training bases and includes government partners like the U.S. Coast Guard Air Station, and Police (Miami-Dade) Aviation Unit?
8. Why was Atta allowed to study since he was stopped by the police for driving without a license and also for violating his visa?


1. Why were the Pentagon Black Boxes never recovered ?
2. Why didn't the FBI release the air traffic controller's protocols? Why have they, the controllers, to this day not been allowed to talk to the press?
3. Why did the FBI not release the Flight Data Recorder info?
4. Who video-recorded the first plane hitting the tower? Why did he disappear from the media?
5. Why were several of the Flight Data Recorders, designed to withstand a crash, said by the FBI to be inoperable and unreadable (particularly some of the cockpit conversations)?


1. Who tipped the FBI to storm the Westin Hotel in Boston on September 12th?
2. Where did the photos of all 19 hijackers come from?
3. How were all hijackers identified just 2 days after the attack? Why did Senator Orrin Hatch accuse Osama Bin Laden the night of the attack? Did he know something?
4. Why did all 19 names not appear on the passenger list until 2 days after the hijacker list was released?
5. Why do none of the names appear on the passenger lists United Airlines and American Airlines gave to CNN?
6. How could the hijackers disable the defense systems?
7. Why did the FBI ignore, and allow to leave unquestioned, Bin Laden's family, who left the United States the day after the attack?
8. What about the supposed hijackers who are still alive? We now know at least 5 of them were alive and provably elsewhere on 9/11. Why does the FBI not remove their names and pictures from their list?
9. Was there a reason to change the list of the original 19 hijackers?
10. Why did it take 4 months until December 11 to charge Zacarias Moussaoui for the 9/11 attacks when his case was known worldwide for months, but not mentioned in the American media?


1. Why did the Pentagon release a new and improved video version or translation of the Bin Laden home video?
2. Why was it released only 8 hours after a translation by the German magazine MONITOR was released? (MONITOR did their own translation which was very different from the one released previously by the U.S. Government. The MONITOR article said their were major inaccuracies in the U.S. Government translation.)
3. When was the Bin Laden Home Video found and who found it?
4. Who found the video if Northern Alliance and US troops had not yet arrived in Kandahar or Jahalabad?
5. Does the time stamp on the Bin Laden video indicate that it was found two weeks after it was produced?
6. Why was the public not informed who found the video and when?
7. Why according to MONITOR magazine, were the most controversial statements translated incorrectly?
8. Why was the video released?

I wonder?

by Would the government lie? Friday, Feb. 07, 2003 at 6:56 PM

You don't think that they would really lie to us do you?

I'm much relieved.

by The Shadow Friday, Feb. 07, 2003 at 9:28 PM

But one question. If they are squeaky clean why did Colin Powell use a FRAUDULENT Dossier at the U.N.?

Wash and Spin

by Spin Cyclce Saturday, Feb. 08, 2003 at 9:30 AM

We're sure lucky to have you around to give us the official SPIN.

Definition: Spin (Slang): LIE


by KPC Saturday, Feb. 08, 2003 at 12:29 PM

BushBlower: "Fortunately, this administration is squeaky clean and doesn't lie."




Cleanliness is next to Godliness.

by Squeaky Clean Saturday, Feb. 08, 2003 at 1:15 PM

The question of 9/11 foreknowledge is a troubling one and is not pleasantly entertained. Here I would fall back on one of my favorite logical axioms: when confronted by contradictory assertions the one thing you can know immediately is that "one or both are false".

A statement of any kind, from any person, must be looked at in the broader context of what one knows, can observe, and can learn. The more one knows the better, and broader, the context. There is of course one caveat here: If what one knows to be true is actually false then using that data or datum will yield a false conclusion. If a statement by someone is at variance with other things one has learned, or seen asserted, then further examination and research is required to resolve the conflict. In need of resolution is: Bush had prior knowledge vs. Bush did not have prior knowledge.

I am not going to dive into a full blown recounting of all of the data of which I am aware but would submit the following well documented and easily verifiable FACTS:

1. On the day of the attack and in the days immediately following September 11th Mr. Bush characterized the 911 attack as a "cowardly sneak attack" and asserted that their was no prior warning - none whatsoever. He went so far as to compare it to Pearl Harbor.
2. On May 15th Ari Fleischer and on the 16th Condaleeza Rice (following the NY Times Headline “Bush Knew”), visibly rattled by press accounts, reluctantly admitted that well yes maybe we uh sort of uh had uh vague warnings but nothing detailed enough to do anything about - really. Oh really?

What about:
The FIVE occasions the Mossad warned U.S. Intelligence?
President Mubarak's personal warning to Mr. Bush? The Bush people have denied this but Mubarak has steadfastly stood behind what he has said.
Vladimir Putin’s warning to U.S. Intelligence TWO WEEKS before the attack.
The report in Germany's Frankfurt daily, Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung (FAZ) published Sept. 14 that said the German intelligence, the BND, warned both the CIA and Israel that Middle Eastern terrorists were "planning to hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols of American and Israeli culture".
The high volume of stock option trading (On United and American Airlines) which seems to indicate someone knew in advance and was prepared to use this insider information to make a profit on it. The monetary value of these trades has been estimated as low 100 million to as high as 15 Billion. Which the CIA monitors in real time to detect clues to actions.
Over time the “vague” warnings have taken on more and more detail:
FBI Agent Christine Crowley’s 13 page letter to the head of the FBI. (She has come under severe reprisal for having the courage to speak up and tell the truth.)
Reports from the Minnesota and Arizona FBI Field offices that were bottled up - by the same FBI man in Washington.
These examples are but the tip of the iceberg - a smidgin of the upper tip. Following the initial spin of “the reports were all vague” when this was proven to be false the spin became - “it is all “Conspiracy Mongering” and we will not address it and it is even treason to suggest it.
That most of these reports are to be found mainly in the alternative press or foreign press outlets such as the Telegraph, The Independent, Isvestia, the French Press, speaks volumes about the American press by its absence. And no it does not mean they are patriotic.

As for the disingenuous assertion that no one had ever contemplated that Islamic Terrorists would use airliners for Kamikaze attacks:
“On December 29, 1994, four terrorists alleged to have ties to Osama bin Laden hijacked Air France Flight 8969, a flight from Algiers to Paris. They loaded the plane with explosives and filled it with extra fuel, with the intent of ramming it into the Eiffel Tower. Commandos stormed the plane and killed the hijackers. (Source: NBC News. September 30, 2001. Chris Hansen, "The Lesson of Air France Flight 8969")

A full seven years before September 11, an al-Qaeda suicide hijacking is partially executed and barely stopped by French intelligence. The Bush administration would have us believe that no one in the CIA had ever heard of such a thing.”
(Source “Center for Research on Globilisation University of Toronto”.)

“In July 2001, during the G8 Summit in Genoa, Italy, Deputy Prime Minister Gianfranco Fini revealed that Italian intelligence had uncovered a plot to crash a hijacked commercial airliner into either Air Force One or one of the buildings used for the summit. (Source: New York Newsday, Sept. 19, 2001) This jetliner kamikaze plot was directed at Bush himself. Taking the Bush denial to its logical extension, the White House would have us believe that Bush and the CIA were not only unaware of this plot, but also not warned by the Italian government.”
(Source “Center for Research on Globilisation”)
I remember hearing news reports of this at the time of the summit.

The following was taken from a story written by Larry Chin at the University of Toronto:

[On May 15, Press Secretary and official White House liar Ari Fleischer nervously stuttered, ‘The president did not receive information about the use of airplanes as missiles by suicide bombers. This was a new type of attack that was not foreseen’.”

This was followed by Condaleeza Rice, who repeated the spin: ‘I don't think that anyone could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center.”

Bush himself issued a statement that he had no indication beforehand that "terrorists would hijack jets and deliberately crash them."]
(Source for all 3 of the above quotes “Center for Research on Globilisation” - Larry Chin.)

In 1995 Philippine intelligence busted an Al-Qaeda cell tied to the Mastermind of the first WTC bombing. Part of the captured booty was a computer with a hard drive containing data regarding plans for an “Operation Bojinka”. The basic plan was to hijack airliners and crash them into targets. The data was shared with the American CIA.

That the President has spoken less than honestly is pretty obvious. That his mouthpieces have been disingenuous is proven. The full extent of his foreknowledge remains in question but there is no doubt that when he got up in front of the American People and asserted that this was a cowardly sneak attack of which we had no forewarning that was a damnable lie. It was not the true state of affairs and he well knew it when he spoke it. Upon this point there is no doubt. What did the President know, when did he know it, and when did he know he knew it? When press reports began surfacing?

Useful here is an intelligence agency term: “Limited Hang Out”. When discovery is inevitable, or a fait accompli, the tactic is to admit to a limited less damaging “version” of the “truth” so as to diffuse the situation and divert attention - “that’s old news now”. The Clinton Administration was masterful in it’s use. When you have a press willing to further the disinformation campaign it becomes very effective.


by Sheepdog Saturday, Feb. 08, 2003 at 1:38 PM

As the garish inconsistencies become more known
and still no OPEN INVESTIGATION is begun; even
the american people are beginning to realize that
we have a guidepost for impeachment. Then a trial
for TREASON and MURDER. It might put a cork in the
greedy a**holes ambitions who are pulling his strings.

What Blinding Insight

by Helen Keller Saturday, Feb. 08, 2003 at 7:26 PM

I am absolutely awestruck by your stunning reparte'. You sir are a master of the single entendre'.

And this from someone who can't drive and listen to the radio at the same time.

by Sheepdog Saturday, Feb. 08, 2003 at 8:03 PM

But we know someone's restroom break is over.
Then we get to see the results spread out on
waxed paper, then typed into the willing warmth
of LA IMC.

Why I'm here

by Sheepdog Saturday, Feb. 08, 2003 at 8:16 PM

Somtimes I just need to stroll over to the cage
and poke you for fun.
Now wipe off your little blue ass.

Oh! I'm sorry.

by Sheepdog Saturday, Feb. 08, 2003 at 8:56 PM

I apologize to all the free dolts
still wild.
Rescue your caged and buggered little


by Arreh Sunday, Feb. 09, 2003 at 7:08 AM

i think ive come to a startling conclusion. i think bush admirer is bush himself!

Bush doesn't lie?

by Dare Sunday, Feb. 09, 2003 at 8:35 AM

Bush is so use to telling fibs it has become the norm for him. He's just as good as Cliton was at trying to pull the wool over our eyes.


by Sheepdog Sunday, Feb. 09, 2003 at 10:21 AM

...when are we going to have an
investigation by the PEOPLE to
pry up a corner of the rug so we
can see the sh*t that comprises
the material the corrupt bastards
have replaced from the ideals of
justice and prosperity?
Elitist roach droppings who play with the
lives of their serfs.
We claim our lives and the truth back!


by Hercule Poirot Sunday, Feb. 09, 2003 at 10:20 PM

Ze little gray cells have been sifting through ze data. There is only one possible conclusion. Bush Knew.


by Joseph Henderson Wednesday, Jun. 11, 2003 at 2:10 PM

I too have read Dr.Pastore's treatise. Blair,Bush,Cheney are all "illuminati's" Blair has both feet in his mouth and will get shafted soon. Bush,although he appears to be able to read books to Florida kids upside down his days are numbered.

Dr.Pastore's treatsie will ahve been copied by thousands of people so it will remain for ever......

Get a life ---- the "shit" will hit the fan in August when Mars is closest t0 earth in 79,000 years .... as predicted in "REVALATIONS' .....have a nice day !!

Yo, Joe...

by daveman Wednesday, Jun. 11, 2003 at 2:23 PM

"Dr.Pastore's treatsie will ahve been copied by thousands of people so it will remain for ever......"

So have the Catholic Church's assertions in the Dark Ages that the Earth is the center of the universe.

That don't make it so.

Oh, and can you give me chapter and verse in Revelations referencing the Mars approach? Hmmm?

the mother of all prom night pimples

by Sheepdog Wednesday, Jun. 11, 2003 at 5:14 PM

You know the ones, the huge red mountains with the eye in the middle; ready to pop. Don't scratch it, dear.


by ted Monday, Jul. 14, 2003 at 7:11 PM

I have just finished David Icke's book
mindlowing in the extreme.
..................and the USA is land of the brave and home of the free" !!! PULL THE OTHER ONE

Diogenes' lies

by Eddie Monday, Jul. 14, 2003 at 8:46 PM

Well, I should say lie (singular) since I didn't read beyond the first lie. Diogenes' laundry list is just the same copy-and-paste crap from all the standard conspiracy websites.

"If U.S. Air Force F-15’s could intercept Golfer Payne Stewart's airplane 10 minutes after it had lost contact with Air Traffic Control and gone off course (per standard FAA procedure) why could they not intercept the “plane” that hit the Pentagon? "


This is an old conspiracy theory myth that has been floating around for way too long.
But after 9:44, the crew did not respond to radio calls. Within 24 minutes, the Federal Aviation Administration had asked the Air Force for help in tracking the jet.

Two F-15 fighter jets from Tyndall Air Force Base, which already were aloft on a routine training mission, were asked to check the jet. An F-16 and an A-10 from Eglin Air Force Base in Florida then were diverted to follow and "escort" the jet.

The book "The Payne Stewart Story" by Larry Guest provides much more detail about the intercept. Guest sourced his story directly to the air traffic controllers who were handling Stewart's jet, Air Force officials, and Capt. Chris Hamilton, the pilot who intercepted the plane. And before you include Guest on the ever-growing list of 9/11 conspirators, check the publication date: April 6, 2000

One more before I go to bed

by Eddie Monday, Jul. 14, 2003 at 8:59 PM

Diogenes asks:
"Who tipped the FBI to storm the Westin Hotel in Boston on September 12th?"

This is a fresh one -- I hadn't noticed it on any of the conspiracy websites before. So I did a google search (which is always a hassle since the competing conspiracy sites all print the same crap and fill up the search results pages). But I saw this toward the top of the list (it didn't take a Bob Woodward to figure this one out):


In Boston Wednesday afternoon, heavily armed law enforcement officers stormed the Westin Hotel in Copley Square and took three people into custody for questioning. The three were not immediately identified, and The Boston Globe, citing unnamed sources in law enforcement, said they were later ruled out as being involved in the hijacking.

Law enforcement officials said they believed the three had used a credit card to secure the room that matched a credit card used by hijackers to reserve seats on the jets that left Logan Airport on Tuesday morning.

The officials said it appeared there were several credit cards issued on that account.

Hotel workers said the FBI had faxed them a list of names connected to the credit card account, and one of the names matched that of a man who had rented two rooms on the 16th floor of the hotel. The man and two companions were later led out of the hotel, surrounded by armed agents with plastic shields, and whisked away for questioning.