Human Population: A Brief History

by B Friday, Dec. 06, 2002 at 9:59 AM

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Human Population: A Brief History

DATE Doubling time Total Population in years Population
bce=Before common era
ce=common era

200,000 bce -- 10-15,000

200,000-8,000 bce Avg. 19,000 10,000,000


8,000-5,000 bce 3,000 25,000,000(5000bc
5,000-3,000 bce 2,000 50,000,000(3000bc
3,000-1,400 bce 1,600 100,000,000 (cont..)
1,400-0 1,400 200,000,000
0-1200 ce 1,200 400,000,000
1200-1700 ce 500 800,000,000
1700-1900 ce 200 1,500,000,000
1900-1960 ce 60 3,000,000,000
1960-1996 ce 36 6,000,000,000

1996-2020 ce 24 12,000,000,000

21st Century Extinction??

These facts show the impossiblity of totalitarian agriculture. It has created an unaturally high population explosion among humans. It's growth model is very close to a virus, which after it kills its victim destroys itself. Based on biological laws this near exponential growth (j curve) will cause a cataclysmic collapse of the human population in the NEAR future. This collapse may or may not result in extintion for our species.

The point of this is to show clearly how the system of domination over nature cannot be reformed in any sustainable way for the human species. Modern techno-industrial society is doomed to a certain self-destruction. It is our thinking (B) that it is the duty of thinking people to recognize the reality and seriousness of the present situation. And in so doing when the system begans to exhibit signs of clear stress to facilitate the total destruction of the industrial-technological system by any means possible.

We are not saying that this will be a neat and pretty time but merely that it will be better than if the system survives the stresses of the coming decades. If the system falls there will be much suffering. On the other hand if it survives we judge that there will be even more, therefor it had better fall sooner rather than later. Only by raising this awareness-that civilization must be destroyed for the planets hope can we allow Earth and its beings a chance to avoid destruction.

Learn more about the movement against global suicide:

Ishmael, Story of B/ both by Daniel Quinn////

Internet Media:

Running on Emptiness, John Zerzan

A People's History of the United States, Howard Zinn