Liberal L.A. Civil Servants Beware!

by ken cana Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2002 at 6:10 AM

Psychological operations and disability are the tools used for decades to remove effective liberal workers and whistleblowers.

This year Congressman Dennis Kucinich (Ohio) introduced H.R. 2977, a bill that among other things, would have prohibited the use of technologies often referred to

as 'political weapons'. The use of 'psychotronics' has been the hidden manner to disable, discredit or punish effective civil servants, a tool of the right used to bypass civil service laws designed specifically to keep politics out of the arm of government that administers the law.

Psychotronics is the broad term used to describe technologies that effect the nervous system, mental states as well as physiological functions. Individuals are implanted with a microreceiver (some small enough to be injected) that enables the controller to influence normal neurological functioning producing minor symptoms or major personality changes at the discretion of the broadcast. And broadcast it is, as radiofrequency waves carry the specialized frequencies to the receiver, in much the same way as voice is carried on frequencies to a specific cell phone. The target is implanted during a sexual encounter with the wrong person or even put to sleep with drugs or electronics. This is the same technology

used in 'alien abductions'.

As early as the 1970's, evidence is accumulating that the use of this technology, together with psych-ops (psychological operations) has removed from government service valuable and effective workers and after the production of disabilities, they are once again targeted for removal from the benefits to which they are entitled, a disability retirement, two such cases have been reported.

Those targeted are subject to physical and mental symptoms, their work sabotaged when they leave the office, their personality altered temporarily to produce emotional instability and irrational acts.

They were diagnosed as having mental disorders, when in effect, they were suffering from 'synthetic mental illness'.

Interestingly, these technologies arose from research conducted by the cold war U.S.S.R., only to be adopted by our C.I.A.

and eventually passed on to right wing extremist groups. With the collapse of the FBI's COINTELPRO these extremist groups took up the function of the outlawed program.

Physical disabilities are often synthetically produced in targeted persons after an accident, which is often staged for just such a purpose. The target assumes the symptoms are the result of the accident, never suspecting the true cause.

The sudden onset of symptoms such as those of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in a political activist may be enough to render him or her ineffective.

We are now in the midst of the 'terrorist

scare' but in fact these domestic political types have been useing biological weapons as political weapons on well-meaning U.S. citizens for decades. They have done this by keeping the technology secret and by mimicing psychiatric and medical syndromes. The next time you hear of a whistleblower, activist or effective civil servant say "they are out to get me", think twice before making your judgement.

H.R. 2977 was rewritten. The new version makes no mention of these technologies.

Original: Liberal L.A. Civil Servants Beware!