gw bush visits Westlake August 24 -WELCOME HIM!

by margot davis Thursday, Aug. 15, 2002 at 11:55 AM

reported in the ventura star free press that GW Bush will appear sat Aug 24 at Lake sherwood country club [I think in westlake] at republican fundraiser for simon. we have about 10 days to organize a protest so large he will have to cancel his appearance. Let the oil tyrant know that there is still some democracy left in the streets! Not in my county!

this is breaking news for activists

GW Bush intends to show his face in westlake in Ventura County [right next door to greater LA] on Saturday, August 24 at the Lake sherwood Country Club at republican fundraiser. This was reported in the mainstream media [ventura star free press] even though the white house itself will not give out any information about bush appearances. ARE WE GOING TO LET HIM SHOW UP WITHOUT A WELCOME? oRGANIZE AND be there. solidarity