Nazism is an abbreviation for National Socialism.

by Judith Saturday, Aug. 03, 2002 at 2:23 PM

From the book "The Ominous Parallels" by Leonard Peikoff 1982.

From the book "The Ominous Parallels" by Leonard Peikoff 1982.

"The Nazis advocated every nonrational source of alleged knowledge that men have ever invented, including revelation, intuition, trances, magic and astrology."

"The Nazi death camps were conceived, built and often administered by PhD's.

""NNazis demand subservience to the right kind of men, the ones who allegiance is not to science or business but to instinct and raw nature."

"The Nazis are not thinkers but criminals."

"There are only two methods by which men can deal with one another, by reason or by force."

Original: Nazism is an abbreviation for National Socialism.