Electro-magnetic weapons conference and protest

by RM Saturday, Feb. 02, 2002 at 9:28 AM

There is a electro magnetic weapons, micro wave weapons etc. conference being held in L.A. on Feb.2 as well as a protest in front of the federal building on Feb. 3


THere will be an electro-magnetic weapons, micro wave weapons, etc.
conference happening in L.A. on Feb. 2 from 9-5 at

4222 Vineland Ave.
Universal Studios
North Hollywood, CA

I do not know why such a place was chosen. I also do think it is unfortunate
such a confernce is happening during the WEF protests (where supposedly many of the
exploited will be)but it is important the exploited especially activists
know such technologies exist. (The ruling class and media try hard to ignore
such technologies to keep the masses ignorant of such technological
advancements. They have unfortunately been somewhat successfull. Many people
including some activists have written off such technologies without
attempting any research of their own- therefore acting as pawns for those in
power) There will also be a protest at the Federal Building the next day in
Westwood L.A. against the use of such weapons by the government. illegal for the government to deplore such weapons> though there is a Bill,
Bill H.R. 2977 which claimed if past would have banned the use of some of
such technologies. (interestingly such weapons may be illegal to use in Russia
by the Russian Parlament) The use of such weapons against activists,
prisoners, whistle blowers etc. cause headaches, stomach aches, can cause
damage of the brain, cancer, mimic mental illnesses, can cause heart
attacks, cause some one to fall asleep while driving etc. generally cause
assasinations but make them look like "natural" deaths. I have also produced
a writing on such technology which will be in the next issue of my zine
"Green Journal"

I love you all!

RM! (nick)