Drunkin Injune

by Rittee Tarugsa Monday, Dec. 03, 2001 at 2:29 AM

Here is "Drunkin Injune" by Rittee Tarugsa

This second image with the Indian, I'm going to title it "Drunken Injune" (if thats the right way how to spell it). It is a collage. I scanned a newspaper image of WTC and stretched it to make it look as if you were looking upwards and to make it look longer. It is the background. Then I took an Indian image from a book of Indian portraits and decided to pick this particular Indian man because he looks drunk. (His real name is "Crazy", from a particualr tribe.) Then I took a picture of my hand holding a beer, then pasted that onto him.

There is so much to say. I had some intersting comments and views on them in which people responded with theory and humor.

But for now I have this Image for you. I'm not sure of the title. Maybe "Drunken Enjune", or " The Real American". Basically, I was inspired by a Native American student here in School. His Name is Marc Stewart. HE told me some history about Manhattan Island and how the Island was bought from a particualr tribe for only and some beads. Up to this day, Americans brag about how much they purchased the Island for so cheap. Not only that but the Indians did not understand how or what the European's way of trading was. The Indians did not know that they could no longer come back to the Island and hunt.

Also, if you go visit the Navajo Reservation in the Southwest, You will find that the Indians like to drink Budweiser. I wanted to make the Indian look like a fool, of him making a fool out of himself. But yet he is not important anymore. He is already killing himself by drinking. When

Indians drink they continue on for days and don't care about anything else.

Itis derived from my show at the L-shape Gallery a few weeks ago. This image was blown up larger with an Encad, about 3 X 6 feet in diameter. It was hung up on the wall. There were some sculptures along with it as an installation, but I not going to expalin about them because it is

not important for now. Since I have been pasting many different images at Cal Arts ever since 911, I wanted too create one great one that can be more powerful and more official since it was in a real gallery space. It was the first art show at Cal Arts to show political artwork about 911.

Ever since 911 I was was the first and only person in school to respond to the situation in some kind of politcal art expression. Nobody made any posters or any kind of response for the first few weeks after the tradgedy. I was overwhelmed about this. This just made me make more and more stickers whether they were good or pointless. Eventually, the BFA Graphic designers

finally made some great colorful posters. I thought many of them were great

and pointed. However, nobody in the Fine Arts deptarment has made any

political artwork about this. Up to this day, still no fine artist has

really cared (I think !?).

The second person to make political 911 art in the cal arts gallery is George Gross. Rather than putting objects in the D-300 space, George drew hundreds of skectches on copies of the D-300

blueprint or floor planning. These sketches were basically different ideas (including political art ideas) of what to do for the posibilities of the setting of the show. Maybe I will send you some of his sketches.

But about the crushed can on his head, and the uncrushed one on his hand. Does that relate to the buildings? IF you want to think so, it can be. Actually I did sort of referenced the cans with the building. I was thinking about having two cans on top of his head, with one on top of the other. But then it would be too direct. I want people to think more. One student advised me to put an apple on his head, indicating that you have to shoot the apple with an arrow(shoot at the "Big Apple").

Original: Drunkin Injune <art project7>