Dillinger Gang-S11 poster< art project2>

by Tom of Texas Monday, Dec. 03, 2001 at 1:36 AM

This is Texas Tom Holmes poster in reponse to s11

I was paralyzed after 9/11 (or 10/6, the day we started bombing for

an alternative date of infamy) -and still am a bit, i guess. But

when good ol' GW came out talkin' up "Wanted Dead or Alive" posters,

in an attempt to give his vacation as a powerless Texas governor some

cread' I said to myself "Self, i'm back in the game -i can make a

fuckin' poster campaign."

Working from a photo I took in Tucson, AZ in the Congress hotel

(where they captured the Dillinger Gang) I produced a poster of the

"captured" Dillinger and his cronies complete with hansom mug shots,

head line and, the still irrefutably most patriotic of all decorative

ornament, dyed blue flowers.

Keeping in mind the vague guilt built into my friends recounting of a

need to connect with someone sexually in the days and weeks after the

tragedy, the phenomenal sexual panic in New York, and the nervous fox

hole fucking that was sure to have taken place after the immediate

revocation of "Don't Ask Don't Tell" Dillinger, one of the last media

romanticized/eroticize outlaws of the West seemed to be haunting the

cultural instinct to be free or alternatively fuck.

I'm happy to distribute the poster to anyone who has interest.

I've been giving them

to anyone who has interest and a few have started to show up around

town. I like them as give aways as opposed to the monster boy wheat

paste campaign. This being consistent with my current interest in

avoiding the communicative and alternatively adopting the

transference of psychic insecurity.

Other thoughts on this war

* Honestly, I have as little interest in connecting with the populist

as when I began in this ever exclusive discipline -feel I know

instinctively that if speaking only to the folks that like art one is

hardly speaking to an enlightened bunch that couldn't benefit from a

swift "fuck in the butt."

* Before the war I felt as though I was living in a toweringly dull

time to be a faggot -think now it is next to impossible.

* With boys on TV telling folks what the fuck's up I want to stay

wary of those who get their news and politics from the same source.

* I want to avoid conversations with moralizing conceptualists that

feel as though with their third hand marxi training their practice

looks more relevant than ever. If you think your work is looking

good in a time of war then that is its own reward.

* Their is something profound happening in the logic of decoration.

Red, White and, Blue Christmas bows on the back of a dooly pickup

truck is something to take note of. Ornament the hard times.

* Find myself saying things that sound repugnantly hippy such as

"Celebration is the greatest protest," "Crack a smile for Freedom,"

or "Ornament the hard times." Can someone help?

* A dyke collective in Texas has begun a sort of "belive OUR lies"

sticker campaign. One says BOOBS NOT BOMBS. if you'd like to know

what else they're up to write rrraunchy@hotmail.com

Stay Metal,

t o m

Original: Dillinger Gang-S11 poster< art project2>