Why's the O22 Turnout So Low?

by Hieronymous D Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2001 at 7:48 PM

Could it be that it's three o'clock on a Monday, and not a Sunday? Could it be that L.A.'s protest "movement" isn't as mobilized as it was a year ago today? Maybe a little of both.

Maybe it's because last year, October 22 was on a Sunday. Before we get too caught up in what today's turnout says about the state of The Movement in general, we should consider the practical reality that a lot more people work on Monday than on Sunday. Me, for example. If the march had gone yesterday, I'd be there. If the march were tonight ... I'd probably be there. But it's at 3:00 pm on a Monday, and I am at work. So are many others.

Even if it were on a Sunday, it is probably true that the turnout would have been lower this year. Last year's number got bolstered by a large number of people who had just experienced police brutality firsthand outside the DNC convention. We don't have that kind of event in the background now, even though it is true that the behavior of LA's finest has shown no signs of improving. The context of the police's image and visibility is bound to affect the level of support for actions like this. And in this case, it would seem that the cops have found a top-notch PR firm.

Good luck, to those who either don't work today, or ditched work, to be there. I hope they make their point without becoming the subject of further police abuse.

Original: Why's the O22 Turnout So Low?