"The New Republic" lies about Durban Conference

by Alert Wednesday, Sep. 05, 2001 at 8:42 PM

The New Republic, a political journal of great influence in Washington DC, in its Sept. 10 issue publishes an "editorial" with a pack of lies about the Conference Against Racism.

some of The New Republic's lies, quoted: ngo's "approved a declaration resolving that Israel -- the only country in the Middle East where citizens freely choose their leaders --". another lie: "No one who knows anyuthing about Africa's postcolonial history can imamgine that sending guilt checks [reparations] to the thuggish and corrupt regimes will help the continent's suffering one bit." Help fight these lies: point out the other Middle East democracies. Discuss the excellent governments throughout all of Africa. don't let TNR get away with these lies!

Original: "The New Republic" lies about Durban Conference