Thoughtful Analysis, Calm Reflection

by invisible ink Friday, Sep. 14, 2001 at 11:07 AM

"As the situation lurches toward more devastation, violence and deaths of innocents around the world, alternatives to the hype machine must be effective in offering a forum for calm reflection, for thoughtful analysis, for understanding and truth, and for building a sense of community outside the narrow definitions portrayed in the corporate media."

While much of America experiences the shock and grief of terrorism, the corporate media apparatus has worked diligently to take advantage of this emotional situation and create a frenzy of hype, war, and untruth. Lacking any real context or truth, many Americans are predictably responding with high emotions, but very little understanding or knowledge of the larger context.

As the situation lurches toward more devastation, violence and deaths of innocents around the world, alternatives to the hype machine must be effective in offering a forum for calm reflection, for thoughtful analysis, for understanding and truth, and for building a sense of community outside the narrow definitions portrayed in the corporate media.

In the past few days, the IMC's open newswire publishing system has allowed a variety of voices to independently express ideas and share information outside these structures of corporate media. In reality though, the background and context of these events are part of a story IMC participants have been documenting not only in the last few days, but since the IMC's beginnings in 1999 and long before.

Some of these more recent voices on IMC and other outlets are highlighted below. Participation and sharing is encouraged by all.

News updates:">">">

Some recent analysis (feel free to add more links or direct response in commentary):>Peoples will be independent

by William Mandel 12:11pm Thu Sep 13 '01">Howard Zinn on Democracy Now (10 minutes audio)

by Jaguar Johnny 12:02pm Thu Sep 13 '01>The awesome cruelty of a doomed people

by Robert Fisk">Blowback!

by Jeff Sommers>Calamitous Perspective

by Michael Albert>All Znet selected reactions and analyses>An activist's analysis on the recent events (please distribute)

by Edward Aruna (Australia) 2:55am Thu Sep 13 '01>Why The Surprise?: "I Want To Be A Pilot So That One Day I Can Bomb Americans!"

by Rick Giombetti 12:30pm Wed Sep 12 '01>This Means War!!!?!!!

by Jon Chance 8:15am Thu Sep 13 '01>Refocus S30!

by Don Ogden 8:52am Thu Sep 13 '01>Hunt, Not Witchhunt, For Terrorists

Earl Ofari Hutchinson, AlterNet, September 11, 2001