an Anarchists perspective on the WTC/Pentagon terrorist atacks.

by anonymous Friday, Sep. 14, 2001 at 9:42 AM

Is this attack a terrible tragedy? Yes, of course. Has the US done terrible things to people all over the world? Yes, of course. Thousands of dead, millions dead, no matter what their location, is never something to cheer about.

So many of you just fail to realize that Bin Ladin was a direct client of the CIA. The CIA knew about his financial infrastructure and had relative internal information regarding his multi-national terrorist enterprise. But our government did nothing. Instead we embraced him, we supported him. We gave him even more fucking power.

Bin Ladin probibly did what alot of CIA clients tend to do, he probibly then started to branch off with the power given to him by our government, and started to do his own thing. He had then set up several new terrorist organizations, smaller ones during this time. The government is lying to you on corporate media. They're telling you they have no intelligence on his operations.

That's complete bullshit. You people talk about how you back the government because you want revenge, you people are such fucking hypocrites. You just want to take more inocent lives now.

Why do you think terrorists bombed the US, it's because we've been bombing their world community time and time, over and over. Now you want to seek bloody revenge? Your asking for a 3rd global war. The US did the same thing with Noriega, who was a drug smuggler, a direct client of the CIA and apointed into Panama. The CIA then used him as an excuse, a "threat to national security" to launch a full-scale invasion on Panama which killed millions of inocent lives. We threw the dead bodies of so many inocent people we killed into mass graves so we could hide them. We established military bases and invadid so we cold get deeper into the coke smuggling region to ship crack back into the United States.

And you americans supported this.

Just like how your about to support another invasion that's going to kill many inocent lives. Blood is on the hands of your government. If you want peace, then you need to change the policies of your government, and CHANGE THEM NOW!!! Poor people of this planet will never be safe from the US government ever again. That is what i'm afraid of.

If you would have changed your policies sooner, and stopped enforcing them upon the rest of the world by military violence, then none of this would have happend. Inocent people wouldn't have been killed in this terrorist attack because there wouldn't even have been a terrorist attack. But no. You had to be ignorant. You had to ignore the fact that we've killed over 1.5 million in Iraq, half of which are children. And that's not even the half of it. You had to ignore the fact that sooner or later the world community was going to respond, due to the fact that you've ignored the genocide you've been inflicting upon them for years and years. You had to be rich, powerful, and you had to do this by murdering. Now it comes back and hits us here at home, right where we can see it. But this time you cannot ignore it, because it's in all of our faces. Right where we can see and feel the pain, fear, suffering, and chaos.

And now we want to seek bloody revenge? Now you want to bomb the fuck out of every muslim? This show's an example of your own hypocricy and prejudice. Perhaps maybe now you feel only a fraction of what much of the world community has been feeling for too many years. So many years that it gets to a point where people respond in emotional outrage, because a human being can only take so much. For so long, it can only be a matter of time.

We've let emotions get in the way of your logical thinking. If you want peace, then we need to STOP bombing eachother, we need to STOP blowing eachother up NOW.

These terrorists didn't attack Canada or Brazil, or Mexico. They purposly attacked the US. And not because they were jelious. We have to stop the way we enforce our policies upon the rest of the world if we ever except peace...

But it's a bit too late for peace now. These terrorists didn't launch this attack just to make a statment. This time They've declared war. We could have avoided this, but we didn't care to focus on the issues effecting the world in our name, which compelled such an attack. And many, many inocent lives had ot be taken in NYC and DC, and now we want to take even more inocent lives by blowing them up, again?

Do we not think that if we seek violent retaliation that they won't respond? If they see their terrorist enterprise under fire, they're going to respond, allies will get together and it's going to trigger a 3RD world war. Would you rather have that if it ment getting your "revenge?". At the same time, we all think people who commit these types of violent acts against humanity should be punished. Then why havn't we punished our own government? How come america is the only thing on this planet that's too precious to question? We rather sit on our couches and watch sit-coms while mothers watch their children die in Iraq.

If it's true justice we seek, then we wouldn't seek a blood-thirsty retaliation which would kill even more inocent lives. Is that what some of you want? Some of you talk about peace, democracy ..etc and all this, yet you fail to realize that the US Government has always colaborated with terrorists. The US government has openly admited this many times in the past.

Blood is on the hands of the US Government, and now you want to put even more blood on YOUR own hands by supporting a violent, blood-thristy retaliation. That's not going to solve anything, it's only going to trigger another war. Another DECEPTIVE war. It's only going to trigger a very, VERY deceptive violent reaction that's going to kill millions of inocent people.

Panama for example. Or what we did after Pearl harbor for example, when we knew EVERYTHING, we had EVERY SINGLE CLUE that the attack was going to happen.

Many people out there need to realize that they are being to lied to. Because I see so many people out there asking the question, WHY? This confusion does not come without a sense of irony.

At this point in time, a 3RD world war could very well possibly mean the complete destruction of this planet along with the human race. Is that what we want? The circle of violence and destruction is only going to continue if we try to seek violent retailation.

We must not let our emotions get in the way of our logical thinking.

Original: an Anarchists perspective on the WTC/Pentagon terrorist atacks.