Globetrotters, Come Home

by Justice Sunday, Aug. 05, 2001 at 1:59 PM

It is time for all the globetrotters chasing after these conferences to come home. You made your point and now the hard work of organizing the unorganized needs to be done. We need a labor movement in this country, and for that, we need millions of union cards handed out. There can be no revolutionary change without organization, and that organization must be of, by and for the workingclass.

It is time for all the globetrotters chasing after these conferences to come home. You made your point and now the hard work of organizing the unorganized needs to be done. We need a labor movement in this country, and for that, we need millions of union cards handed out. There can be no revolutionary change without organization, and that organization must be of, by and for the workingclass.

As to those who think breaking windows is fighting a revolution, anyone can break windows. Absolutely nothing is changed when windows are broken. Apartheid in South Africa ended due to massive general strikes by labor, causing a decline in profits, the only thing that matters to the capitalist class. Labor is continuing to fight back as South Africa still has capitalism. Around the world, except in the USA, the general strike is regularly used both as a political and economic weapon, for that is what the capitalist class understands and responds to best, and reaps the greatest reward for labor.

The Europeans certainly do not need to be told how to make a revolution as they have made many revolutions, and have the far more advanced social services that only organized labor can provide to show for them. From a national health care system to gay marriage, all were realized by having strong labor organizations, providing more economic security, and thus less scapegoating, than we have in the US.

The United States is the weakest, most backward country in the industrialized world because labor is very weak and unorganized. We need all that youthful energy we saw at these demonstrations against the capitalist conferences right here at home, where it will do the most good. Remember, all politics is local, and the best way to put an end to capitalism is to demand our stolen labor, the capitalists' profits, returned to us in the form of higher wages. I guarantee you that will make the capitalist class sit up and take notice and will make profound changes for the better for the overwhelming majority of us, those of us in the US who sell our labor for less than ,000 per year, also known as the workingclass.

With a strong labor movement, we can demand and build affordable housing, set up a national health care system guaranteeing health care to everyone from cradle to grave, provide an excellent school system to everyone free of charge from age 3 through college, and put an end to all scapegoating which is based on economic insecurity, so that we have gay marriage, unconditional women's right to abortion, the elimination of racism and much more. A strong labor movement will certainly abolish prisons and the death penalty, and put an end to war. It is labor that creates all wealth and the future is always with the workingclass.

Original: Globetrotters, Come Home