Some More Bush Family Lore -- Sensational Revelations!

by deepintheheartofTexas Tuesday, Jul. 24, 2001 at 11:44 PM

Turns out our first family is a little better travelled than we've been led to believe. Apologies in advance for the tabloid tone; but they say this stuff sells, makes you wonder why the corporate media probably won't pick this up.

Today in Rome our beloved King George the third* divulged that, contrary to earlier reports that he'd never been in Europe before his pResidency, he and Queen Laura had, in fact, visited the eternal city during his regency:

From a report by Sandra Sobieraj of the Associated Press: "Bush recalled they had been to Rome once before, in 1998, when daughter Barbara was studying at the American school here."

Well, in fact, Ms Sobieraj, young Barbara did not attend the American School of Rome, but rather the most elite (but, of course) english language High School in Rome, St Stephens. Half of the studentbody at St Stephens is made up of day students (i.e. they live with their families in Rome), while the other half, like Barbara, are bording students.

And what, prey-tell, was the occasion for George W and Laura's visit? Ms Sobieraj does not divulge this detail, so allow me. One night, while Barbara at St Stephens, she was "turned in" for being "drunk off her ass and buck naked on the boys floor" -- grounds for immediate expulsion. Unless, of course, you're a Bush. Mommy and Daddy flew in to set things right (sound familiar, it's a recurring theme across generations with our royal family), and Barbara remained on at St Stephens.

Now, while your humble, albeit anonymous (I don't want to end up like J H Hatfield), author is willing to stand by this story -- having heard it from a reliable source at St Stephens -- there is an even more explosive rumor circulating about Barbara's sabbatical in Rome that I cannot verify. Namely, that the whole reason for her stay in Rome was that it provided cover for an abortion that was performed in Switzerland.

*Take #2: For the United States, George Washington was George the first; G H W Bush #2; and now we're back to George #3 (like our previous George #3, his sole qualification for rule is heredity). Anyone for Revolution?

Original: Some More Bush Family Lore -- Sensational Revelations!