Militance or sexism?

by Rampage Friday, Jul. 06, 2001 at 4:22 PM

Allegation have been made against anarchist militant protestors that they are sexist, sometimes people even say they are racist. This exams the falsehoods and the lies that the neo-liberals use to discredit the anarchist youth.

I'm sure we all remember Seattle. Though this is not when anarchists first started using black bloc or other militant tactics, this was the beginning of a large conflict between peaceful organizers, and the militant youth. In Seattle the liberals attacked the black bloc for destroying corporate property, and giving the anti-globalization movement a bad name. After many arguments and insult exchanging (The black bloc was called provocatuers, COINTEL-PRO agents, etc), the liberals gave up on those arguments (Mostly, some still use it today). Now getting more desperate, liberals attack anarchist youth saying that they are sexist males with macho mentalities, or white middle class kids with no message or care for the issues at all. They just want to fuck shit up. They are sexist and racist. Back in the sixties and seventies a similiar smear campaign went on. It was called COINTEL-PRO. Posters and pamphelets were passed out condemning different organizers (like Abbie Hoffman). The COINTEL-PRO spread the the Black Panthers were racist, and a black supremisist group. If allegations are made and not backed up with any fact we can safely call them lies. Militancy is not sexism, it is not masculine, it is not macho. Militancy is the last resort to a fucked up system. The anarchist youth don't fuck shit up and clash with police because they are macho, they do it because they are desperate for change. The least someone can do to repay these corporations for what they are doing to us and the earth is to break a window. As you read this article I have no doubt that a person has just died of starvation, or has been executed by a corporate death squad in a third world country. It's nice to sit and think of murder as abstract, but when you take these people dying as your brothers and sisters ('Cause that's what they are) then it affects you in a far deeper way. These corporations are poisoning our food, killing our sisters and brothers, brainwashing our families, starving three quarters of the world, enslaving everyone, and butchering children. How can people not be angry to the point of rioting in the street. Your earth is dying and you expect people to stand in complacency. Ripping up the streets is not sexist or racist (That's the most absurd allegation I have ever heard). You have to understand what we feel inside to understand why we do the things we do. The false lie that we don't give a fuck about the issues. How can you say that. I have comrades rotting in prison, and one deported that tried passionatley and militantly to stop this tyranny. You think they did that for fun? What happends to the people and the earth tears me apart inside. I can't stand but to put all my chips on the table against this system. If you want to call that sexist and racist, then fuck you. Your organization is obvious (FBI).


Original: Militance or sexism?