Anti's Need a Plan, Part 1

by David Cook Tuesday, May. 15, 2001 at 1:32 AM

Anti's Need a Plan, Part 1

It's become a well rehearsed karaoke rant amongst anti-globalists, or perhaps it's the sign of an immature movement, but alternative solutions to the undemocratic and concentrated poewer of multi-national corporations need to be proposed in the not too distant future if the anti-globalists want to dispel the label that they only know what they don't want and civil disobedience.

These alternative solutions for corporate multi-nationals need not be a pointy-headed economist's rule list, but rather something alont the lines of a social contract that more closely resembles the documents that many human rights organizations and civilized nations adhere to. However, just to gain an accountant's rough idea as to the magnitude of this corporate power: there is not a multi-national corporation with a market value of under ten billion dollars in the top five hundred worldwide (repeat that to yourself again); and the corresponding number for the American top five hundred is not one corporation with a market value of under four billion dollars.

Therefore, I would propose that an appropriate world body (does the IMC qualify for this distinction!?) convene in the not too distant future and adopt a guideline that over a period of, let's say five years, that all multi-national divest themselves down to a market value of under ten billion U.S. dollars. For domestic corporations, the U.S. Congress would legislate, you got it, down to a market value of no more than four billion dollars. The ramifications for the human race of this sort of disinvestment plan could fill volumes and keep those pointy-headed economists busy for an eternity. But, if you think making puppets and parading like it's Halloween is revolutionary, then think again.

Original: Anti's Need a Plan, Part 1