Is LA on a Christian Crusade?

by Justice Wednesday, Apr. 25, 2001 at 10:23 PM

Is Los Angeles Independent Media on a Christian Crusade? The front and center picture on the LA Independent Media website of "Raza Unida" showing the US and Mexico "Raza" (presumably Latinos who are Christians) united by a Christian cross is a clear sign that LA Independent Media is promoting a Christian Crusade, which by definition is anti-Semitic, anti-Communist and anti-science. These positions are obviously antithetical to Independent Media and its supporters.

Is Los Angeles Independent Media on a Christian Crusade? The front and center picture on the LA Independent Media website of "Raza Unida" showing the US and Mexico "Raza" (presumably Latinos who are Christians) united by a Christian cross is a clear sign that LA Independent Media is promoting a Christian Crusade, which by definition is anti-Semitic, anti-Communist and anti-science. These positions are obviously antithetical to Independent Media and its supporters. Science literally means knowledge and religion is superstition. There is no such thing as race; we are all simply human beings. In a capitalist society, we are divided by class and the capitalist class promotes divisions by color and gender. Independent Media is all about promoting unity of the workingclass to end capitalism and promoting knowledge, which is to say science. I strongly urge that the "La Raza" photo be removed from the Los Angeles Independent Media website immediately.

Original: Is LA on a Christian Crusade?