Good bye.

by Paul Daly Saturday, Feb. 03, 2001 at 2:59 AM

Good bye.

I came to this web site because I find it to be incredibly BORING to discuss politics with people who tend to agree with me.

"Good point!"

"Well put."

"Couldn't have said it better myself!"


I ENJOY discussing political/cultural/economic issues with people who disagree with me.

I also think it's IMPORTANT that people from different viewpoints communicate with each other and share their ideas and beliefs.

I TRY to do it in a way so that I am respectful to others and so that there can be a free debate of ideas.

Yeah, sometimes I am sarcastic, but I've always tried to use the sarcasm to make a point, not to make someone feel like he/she is stupid. (I know, I fail in this regard sometimes. For that, I usually apologize.)

But, at this point, I feel that NOBODY at this site wishes to hear from dissenting view points.

The consensus of the comments I have seen indicate a strong desire to simply have a site intended for vigorous agreement among like-minded individuals.

The personal insults and angry e-mails I have received have disheartened me further.

Enjoy the "victory" party. I will leave you in peace.

(And no, I won't come back under a fictitious name!)

Original: Good bye.