Meir Kahane Rebuttal

by Rick Giombetti Monday, Aug. 14, 2000 at 1:06 AM

Meir Kahane's argument that political activists are the justification for an increasingly militarized police force just doesn't make any sense. The militarization of law enforcement throughout the '90s happened during a relatively quiet period politically. It's not that their wasn't plenty of activism happening. The mass media just wasn't covering it, unlike the current post-WTO period. Most of the fancy new toys law enforcement agencies have been getting their hands on in the past decade have been for the ostensible purpose of fighting the "War On Drugs," - i.e. throwing African-American's in jail.

Individual gun ownership is NOT what is standing between freedom and totalitarianism. A conscious, politically active minority is. The notion that we should buy guns and lock ourselves in our individual dwellings is a call for isolating ourselves from one another. It is a recipe for fascism.

-Rick Giombetti


Original: Meir Kahane Rebuttal