Wearing the words across your chest

by TheNewOhioGreen Friday, Aug. 11, 2000 at 11:09 AM

Police fear the puppets and the costumes enough to pre-emptively arrest those who create them. But what if we all wore a message?

As the protest movement grows, law enforcement officials have begun to prove that they will ignore the bill of rights and the constitution of this nation when called on by their bosses to do so. In the name of enforcing normality and protecting precious delegates and clothing stores, we've seen the people we work with get beaten, arrested, and defamed in the media.

Recently I've heard of an idea being kicked around that sort of inspired me. Maybe the police don't realize we have the right to peacefully march. So, remind them, by wearing the first or fifteenth amendments. Print them out in big font, and glue the print outs to a piece of poster board, then wear this for the duration of the march. Include the name of the amendment across the top.

Next, let the local media know what those sheets of words are on your group. If nothing else, the imagry of these walking, talking proofs of our rights being pressed into busses for arrest or being beaten or shoved by police will register, and maybe even convince the old main stream media that it's worth the sound bite to report what's happening.

I don't think the arrests should be the focus of our movement, nor do I think a sporadic collection of interests should be either. I think the specific focus of the WTO and IMF protests were what made them successful in spreading the word. But as you head out to carry the signs and speak to the people, consider keeping your rights next to your heart.

Thanks for reading!